Just a few days after making landfall on the surface of Mars, the seismometer picked up the beautiful sound of the blowing winds coming off of the Elysium Planitia, a broad plain that straddles the planet’s equator.. On May 5, 2018, the NASA InSight Lander was launched into space with a highly sensitive seismometer onboard. InSight is taking daily weather measurements (temperature, wind, pressure) on the surface of Mars at Elysium Planitia, a flat, smooth plain near Mars’ equator. Weather … The weather on the surface of Mars at Elysium Planitia, a flat, smooth plain near Mars’ equator. Isidis‐Elysium Planitia (TLA 2) is on the south of Utopia, and there is only a very low topographic barrier separating TLA 2 … Infographic – How did we find water in Martian subsurface lakes? Utopia Planitia, northern lava plain on the planet Mars that was selected as the landing site of the U.S. Viking 2 planetary probe. InSight is taking daily weather measurements (temperature, wind, pressure) on the surface of Mars at Elysium Planitia, a flat, smooth plain near Mars’ equator. By using the code and embedding this image, you consent to Image Policy. This is a measurement of how much sunlight is blocked by dust in the atmosphere before it reaches the ground. The Mars Society of Canada practices environmental responsibility by reducing our ecological footprint: This website is hosted with wind credits. Taking readings from the InSight Lander, the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory has launched a weather service, specific to the Elysium Planitia, the area where Insight has set up camp. The black dots show the daily average wind direction depicted in degrees east of north, as if reading a compass. The black line shows the daily average atmospheric pressure in Pascals at the InSight site, along with each sol's maximum and minimum pressure on the grey bar. Fractures that crisscross their surfaces are dilational (extensional) in nature, suggesting that the mounds formed by localized uplift (i.e., they were pushed up from below). The number of days (or sols, on Mars) runs along the bottom of the graph with the most recent day at the right, The vertical columns of color denote the seasons on Mars. Graph of the Weather Report at Elysium Planitia This plot is being updated daily throughout the duration of the InSight mission. < p > InSight is taking daily weather measurements (temperature, wind, pressure) on the surface of Mars at Elysium Planitia, a flat, smooth plain near Mars’ equator. Embed this resource by pasting the following code into your website. News Box: New Mars Weather page added. Flutter application displaying weather data from Elysium Planitia, Mars Resources The mounds on the southern edge of Elysium Planitia are typically a few kilometers or miles in diameter and about 60 meters (200 feet) tall. Within plains, Cerberus Fossae The grey bars show each sol's maximum and the 90th percentile lowest winds as measured by the wind sensors. Mars Weather - Latest Weather at Elysium Planitia Posted February 21, 2019 by alyaza Tags: astronomy , meteorology , solar system , weather , mars , nasa Középpontja Az Elysium vulkanikus tartományától délre fekszik, ami a bolygó második legnagyobb vulkáni régiója, a Tharsis után. On Nov. 26, NASA's Mars InSight lander will touch down on Elysium Planitia, purposely chosen for its overwhelming boringness. At a Glance. The plot shows the latest three sols (Martian days) of weather data at InSight’s landing site near the equator of Mars. The Earth months run along the top of the graph. NASA’s InSight Mars lander takes continuous weather measurements (temperature, wind, pressure) on the surface of Mars at Elysium Planitia, a flat, smooth Ez egy nagy sima terület, ami nagyjából a Mars egyenlítője környezetében van. Elysium Planitia is a lava plain that's not too far from the planet's equator. About. Elysium Planitia, located in the Elysium and Aeolis quadrangles, is a broad plain that straddles the equator of Mars, centered at 3°00′N 154°42′E / 3.0°N 154.7°E . The black line shows the daily average air temperature in Celsius.