The average tuition costs for attending a college in France will vary according to the school that you wish to attend, the courses that you are taking, whether you are a resident of the EU or a foreign student and other information. In France, the school day is long and children spend much of their time sitting behind a desk. Class sizes, however, can be large, with one teacher for 30 students or more. Until 2008, the school week was Monday to Saturday morning, with Wednesday free. There are a total of seven years secondary schooling, which is divided between four years at collège, followed by up to three years at lycée. 9. You have to provide all stationery and equipment, except textbooks, for your child but you can apply for and income-dependant grant to pay for these. Click below to consent to the use of this technology on our website – and don’t worry, we respect your privacy. Many people in France like to drink their hot chocolate from bowls and dip their bread into it. The school week runs from Monday to Friday, unlike the state sector where there can be lessons on Saturdays for older children (although Saturday classes are becoming less common), or half days on Wednesdays. Contact the service des écoles at your local mairie or arrondissement. To read about the French education system, see Expatica’s guide to the school system in France. You must provide past school reports and exam results. School in France During the elementary years, French students learn the basics of reading, writing, and arithmetic. Moving Teenagers to a French School – Beth’s Story Guide to French School Education. Schooling in Paris is an official requirement from age six but many parents send their children to school much earlier. You can choose whether to go to a French state school, a state-contracted private school or a fully independent school in France, which includes most international and foreign schools. The paper they must take is no SAT-like multiple-choice exercise: the students are required to write well-structured, clearly argued essays that refer to the ideas of past thinkers to … Unlike UK Masters, which are delivered over 12 months without a break, postgraduate programmes in France break down into individual academic years, separated by holidays. It is legal to home educate your child in France. There are also other schools that teach solely in English. The exam at the end of the terminale, which determines your future, is called the baccalaureate. ... and the direction they would like their curriculum to take (although they must … However, it may mean that your child takes longer to learn French and become integrated into French society. The school day in France starts at 8.30 and finishes at 4.30 with a long lunch break. The Ministry of Education is responsible for France’s state schools. First, you will need to get a certificate d’inscription from the local mairie (or rectorat service for secondary schools). International schools can cover age ranges from nursery up to the last year of high school. The higher education in France is termed enseignement supérieur. They usually teach in English and French but may also teach in German or Spanish depending on demand. Social skills are pushed as well. In primary schools, French kids spend more hours a year (almost 900, like Italy and the Netherlands) than other European countries (less than 700 for Austria, Germany and Finland) : in France, less days of school (vacations are a national value) and more hours per day. Do I need a separate French will to cover my property in France and how do I go about it? You can also contact ELSA, the Paris-based English Language School Association for international and bilingual schools in France. If you are planning a long stay in France, becoming fluent in the local language and accustomed to French culture will be beneficial when your child graduates. It is now placed 25 out of 65 countries, with 43 percent of students having di… It is compulsory for all children resident in France to attend school between the ages of six and 16. To apply, contact the school for enrolment requirements and procedures. State-contracted private schools in France. You can of course change your mind and withdraw your consent at any time, by returning to this site after clearing the cookies on your computer or device. If a child doesn’t achieve the grades they will have to repeat the year (redoubler) – this is much more common in France, 6. The focus in French education is on academic work and subjects like arts, crafts and sports mostly take place outside of school. This might be a little long, the French school system is a little complicated. The average rates for tuition vary from about 150 EUR per term to 900 EUR per term. Some international schools offer boarding (useful if your job takes you abroad) but most are day schools. This is usually followed by up to three years in lycée. Expatica helps make your expat journey the experience you've always wanted. Chefs prepare dishes such as quiche, soufflés, mousse, pâté, croissants, crêpes, and French bread. What are the monthly cost of living in France? In Metropolitan France, the school year runs from early September to early July. You need to register by June of the year you want your child to start primary school (or earlier if you want to go to a school out of the local area), and by the end of the spring term for collège. There are four stages of education: école maternelle (daycare and kindergarten), écoleprimaire (primary school, also known as an elementary school in some countries), collège (middle school), and lycée (secondary school). If lessons are in French, what language and other support is available? A Masters in France is normally two years in duration. This site uses functional cookies and external scripts to improve your experience. Wedn… Expatica uses technology such as cookies and scripts to personalize content and ads, provide social media features, and analyze our traffic. Once you arrive in France, you need to validate the visa within 3 months. However, taking part in extracurricular activities in your local area can help with the language. What examinations are set? Primary and middle schools have catchment areas and you’ll be assigned to a school based on where you live. They are often Catholic and – unlike state schools – can teach religious studies. France is known for its fine food. International schools also offer different national sections with lessons taught in the language, literature and history of the particular country while teaching other lessons in French – as well as intensive French lessons for non-French speakers. Fees can be high, although some expat relocation packages cover this. Not all of France is strictly secular, indeed in one region religion is taught in the local schools. In France, most schools are given the name of an illustrious personality. end of term reports from the previous year. In France, school is compulsory starting with the first grade of elementary school, or "le cours préparatoire," "onzième" (11th). You will have to enrol your child in a French school – take their birth certificate, medical records, your passport and proof of address to your mairie, 7. Avez-vous faim? However, these schools often offer intensive tuition for non-French speaking students. Schools are strictly secular (expect faith schools) so there won’t be any nativity plays, 11. Check the website of the institution to learn the amount of tuition charged for programmes of interest to you. Le diplôme national du brevet (simply referred to as le brevet) is the first diploma students are required to complete at the end of collège. French cooking is thought to be the best in the world. There are more than 3,500 public and private institutes of higher education in France: 72 universities, 25 multi-institute campuses, 271 Doctoral schools, 227 engineering schools authorised to award the title of engineer, 220 business and management schools, 45 post-secondary public schools of art, 22 schools of architecture and 3,000 private schools and institutes. For information on homeschooling in France, see Expatica’s guide to the school system in France. Since the Middle Ages, and the birth of La Sorbonne, the first French University, which occurred more than 800 years ago, students from all across Europe have come to France to study, especially in the areas of theology, medicine and law. Some offer summer language immersion classes. Note that this is the first major difference between French and English-language school names: The French count school years in descending order (11,10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and a final year called terminale). To apply, contact the school for enrolment requirements and procedures. Some private schools are independently funded and are not under government control. Fees vary depending on the school but as an example, 2015/16 basic annual tuition fees for pupils taking A Levels at an international school in Bordeaux are €15,400. While insurance is not required to attend class, some schools may ask that you carry an insurance policy, assurance scolaire, for your child to participate in any activities outside the classroom. Parents may also be asked to show proof of identity, which can include copies of passports, cartes de séjour, or cartes d’identité, and possibly proof of insurance. 8. Recipe: Festive Chestnut Velouté with Porcini, 7 France-themed books to buy for Francophiles this Christmas, Why Tarn-et-Garonne makes for a perfect family escape. The country has 28 regions (academies) that set the curriculum and examinations to a national standard. The primary education is called enseignement primaire. This site uses functional cookies and external scripts to improve your experience. To obtain this, you will have to show: Foreign documents may need to translated by an official translator, traducteur assermenté. It will be followed by the secondary education called enseignement secondaire. Pupils are admitted to collège from primary school at the age of 11 years. If your child is arriving from outside France and is entering collège or lycée, you will need to contact the educational district’s administrative head, the rectorat. However, older children may find it harder. The student population at international schools can be transient as families often move on, which can be hard on friendships. But in France, the land of Pascal, Voltaire and Descartes, philosophy is an integral part of the national school curriculum, and a compulsory subject for the 650,000 students ages 17 and 18 who every year sit the bac. Nursery school is called maternelle and children start at the age of 3, 2. The next stage - CM1/CM2 (cours moyen 1 and 2) takes the children up to the end of primary school. Often students must reach a specific standard of education. These vary according to the school but apply as far in advance as possible. Metropolitan French school holidays are scheduled by the Ministry of Education by dividing the country into three zones (A, B, and C) to prevent overcrowding by family holidaymakers of tourist destinations, such as the Mediterranean coast and ski resorts. The three levels of school attended in France are called maternelle (lasts 2-3 years, children aged 2 or 3 to 6 years old); ecole primaire (lasts 5 years, primary school, for ages 6-11) and collège (lasts 4 years, ages 11-15). The school week and the hours in the school day vary from region to region. They have smaller class sizes, provide more individual attention and have better facilities than state schools. What languages are obligatory or optional? Non-residents may have to pay tuition fees as the schools are financed through tax. There are two types of private school in France: contracted (sous contrat) or non-contracted (hors contrat) to the French government. High School Abroad; Language Schools; Tours & Trips; Online Programs. Top 5 universities in France 1. If you’re moving to France, this guide to schools in France will help you choose the right school for your child: a local state school, a state-contracted private school, a fully independent private school – which includes international and bilingual schools – or even homeschooling. That costs another 60 euros. However, in recent years some bemoan a perceived slip in French education, and according to the latest OECD/PISA world rankings (2012), France dropped three places for educational standards for 15 year olds. There are bilingual schools with section bilingue or classes bilingues. In France, education is compulsory between the ages of 6 and 16. 5. Welcome to our comprehensive Guide to French Schools, your indispensable on-line resource to the school education system in France.. Our review of the system is an extensive one, from the basic structure of school education through to a consideration of the individual stages - crèches, primary and secondary schools. Online Teaching Abroad; Online TEFL Courses; Online Language Schools; Online Jobs; ... France is roughly the size of Texas and one of the richest, most culturally diverse countries in the world. In an international school, students may find it easier to continue within an education system they are familiar with, taught in a language they understand. There may be other charges on top, such as registration fees and lunches. You can find out about state schools though the schools’ information service (service des écoles) at your local mairie or you can write to the Inspecteur d’Académie of the département where you will be living. State education is also free, and generally considered of a high standard. The school year starts in early September and ends in early July. 10. You then take the certificate d’inscription to the school, along with vaccination and health certificates and insurance certificate. proof of residence – usually a copy of a utility bill or rental agreement showing your home address. The standard of education is usually high, the class sizes small and the facilities are excellent. The French schooling system is also quite rigorous, particularly final exams. Elementary school (enseignement élémentaire) begins at age 6 and lasts for 5 years. Ask to look at a typical timetable to see the academic/non-academic ratio. French education tends to value academic and rote learning over creativity and self-development, and some parents may feel the French education philosophy doesn’t allow for self expression or puts pressure on the child. Middle school is called collège and children attend from the age of 11 to 15. Millions of French children returned to school on Monday after more than three months at home due to the novel coronavirus outbreak. While France has close to a hundred universities, most of them able to hold their own as regards teaching and research with universities in other parts of Europe, the peak of the education pinnacle in France is represented by the country's "Grandes Ecoles", relatively small and highly selective "schools" (in the American sense of the word) which provide a cosseted higher education to the nation's future … Your child must keep up with lessons and maintain at least a 50% mark average in a language they’re unfamiliar with. Your choices will not impact your visit. 1. Most private schools receive funding from the government. School year. Lyon, for example, is in zone A, Marseille is in zone B and Paris … Language support within the school is not always provided. However, if you are not planning on living in France long-term, or you have children who have already started their secondary education back home, it may be better to choose an international school for continuity and language issues, instead of a bilingual school. Some schools close on Wednesday afternoons which is when children participate in extra-curricular activities, 10 differences between French and British schools, Grand-Est (formerly Alsace, Champagne-Ardenne and Lorraine), Hauts-de-France (formerly Nord-Pas-de-Calais and Picardy), Nouvelle Aquitaine (formerly Aquitaine, Limousin, and Poitou-Charentes), Occitanie (formerly Languedoc-Roussillon and Midi-Pyrénées). Are they internationally recognised? To enroll your child into French education there is an array of schools in France to consider: state schools, private schools, or international schools. Paris Sciences et Lettres – PSL Research University Paris is made up of 25 higher education institutions and research centres in the Paris area. State-contracted private schools follow the French national curriculum and adhere to the same rules as state schools. (Are You Hungry?) About 15 percent of French children attend private schools (écoles privées or écoles libres) throughout France. To send a link to this page you must be logged in. These schools mostly cater for pupils who are primarily French speakers, although some teach in both French and English. Where do the French buy holiday homes and what do they pay? Tuition fees are nominal and can be as low as €300 per year. 3. The lessons, tests and exams are in French, and students work towards the French qualification, the baccalauréat. A guide to the French school system: state-run and private schools, list of CIS member and accredited international schools in France. PUBLISHED: 14:31 11 April 2017 | UPDATED: 15:11 01 September 2017, 12 things you should know about French schools © artisteer / ThinkstockPhotos. Primary school is called école primaire and children start in September of the year they turn 6 – so … The primary school curriculum in France is similar to that in other countries, and includes literacy and numeracy, with classes in French, arithmetic, but also geography and history, the arts, and more and more frequently a foreign language, usually English. Public schooling in France is free for expats who can provide proof of residence, and private schools and universities are often subsidised. English instructors are normally required to have a Bachelor’s degree and at least a year of relevant education experience, and hold TEFL or CELTA certification. Provide past school reports and exam results chefs prepare dishes such as quiche,,. 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