The election. In the midst of the American Civil War, the opposition Democrats were divided between the Copperheads, a group that demanded an immediate negotiated settlement with the Confederate States of America, and the War Democrats, who supported the war. Election of 1864 Lincoln's chances for reelection appeared dim for much of 1864. acting as a go-between over a "Map of the United States." Union Lt. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant seemed unable to administer a definitive blow in Virginia, and as the brutal summer of 1864 wore on, his armies continued to suffered staggering losses. ", Preserve 108 Acres of the Most Important Unprotected Battlefield Land, Save 40 Acres of the American Revolution Southern Theater, Kentuckians: Support Battlefield Preservation Legislation, Virginians: Support Battlefield Preservation Legislation, “A little more butchery. It was the first election to feature a Republican candidate. The Democrats lacked a coherent message, and Lincoln's Republican Party gained 50 seats, increasing their majority over the Democrats. Elections were held in Union-occupied military districts in Louisiana and Tennessee, but Congress did not add their electoral votes to the final count. It was January 1864, the opening month of the third year of the Civil War, and to war weariness was added political angst. Primary elections are the first step in the election process, usually taking place between January and June of an election year. Hundreds of thousands of Americans had been killed, wounded or displaced in a civil war with no end in sight. Please consider making a gift today to help raise the $170,000 we need to preserve this piece of American history forever. Election of 1864. Note: This was the first election in which California elected representatives from congressional districts. McClellan took just three states: Kentucky, Delaware and his home state of New Jersey. ... Election of 1864. Senator from the Volunteer State, against former commander of the Army of the Potomac, Maj. Gen. George B. McClellan and running mate George Pendleton. Lincoln was elected President under his new party that he created, National Union Party Senator from the Volunteer State, against former commander of the Army of the Potomac, Maj. Gen. George B. McClellan and running mate George Pendleton. The digital collections of the Library of Congress contain a wide variety of material associated with the presidential election of 1864, including manuscripts, broadsides, prints, political cartoons, sheet music, articles, and government documents. The outlook was not promising in 1864 for President Abraham Lincoln's reelection. Unknown if incumbent retired or lost renomination. With four candidates in the race, Lincoln won the 1860 election. The results of the 1864 elections would heavily affect the outcome of the war. Constitutional Unionist John Bell won 12.6 percent of the vote and 39 electoral votes. C. It included a vote to abolish slavery. Donations to the Trust are tax deductible to the full extent allowable under the law. Three former Confederate States held elections in 1865 that were rejected by Congress. The 1864 United States elections elected the members of the 39th United States Congress. & Janice L. Frent/Corbis/Getty Images. He holds the two men by their lapels and asserts, "The Union must be preserved at all hazards! Meanwhile the Democratic Party split , with major opposition from Peace Democrats, who wanted a negotiated peace at any cost. This major military shift, coupled with the severe internal strife within the Democratic Party, solidified Lincoln’s chance at victory. Wisconsin elected six members of congress on Election Day, November 8, 1864. The 1864 presidential election conventions of the parties are considered below in order of the party's popular vote. Lincoln called himself a War Republican. Why the 1864 election is relevant now. How would the outcome of the war define the role of blacks in a post-war society? Then it will be my duty to so cooperate with the President-elect as to save the Union between the election and the inauguration; as he will have secured his election on such grounds that he cannot possibly save it afterwards.”. Election of 1864 Comparing two presidential candidates THE CIVIL WAR CURRICULUM: Goal 7 NCSS GOALS: II, III, V, VI GRADES: High school APPROXIMATE LENGTH OF TIME: 1-2 class days GOALS: 1. In this Currier & Ives cartoon, George B. McClellan is portrayed as the intermediary between Abraham Lincoln and Confederacy president Jefferson Davis. The National Union Party (formerly known as the Unionists) lost seven seats, retaining control of 18 seats (some classify the Representatives as including 13 Unconditional Unionists and five Unionists), all from the border states of Maryland, Tennessee, and Kentucky, as well as West Virginia. Lincoln, the Republican candidate, won because the Democratic party was split over slavery. Nebraska joined the union during the 39th Congress. 2. Democrats elected a Peace Democrat George McCellan. Welcome: Kansas, Nevada and West Virginia become states during this election cycle Due to secession, southern states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia don't participate Help save a crucial 22-acre tract on the battlefield where 14 African American soldiers earned the highest military honor in the land. The 1868 United States presidential election was the 21st quadrennial presidential election, held on Tuesday, November 3, 1868.In the first election of the Reconstruction Era, Republican nominee Ulysses S. Grant defeated Horatio Seymour of the Democratic Party.It was the first presidential election to take place after the conclusion of the American Civil War and the abolition of slavery. There were a total of 50 vacancies remaining, after the readmission of Tennessee. Left: Campaign button and ribbon; Right: Original songs were written by each party for their respective candidates. Southern Democrat John C. Breckinridge garnered 18 percent of the vote and 72 electoral votes, winning most Southern states plus Delaware and Maryland. The Ultimate American Presidential Election Book: Every Presidential Election in American History (1788-2016) is now available! The newly incorporated states of Kansas, West Virginia and Nevada participated in a national election for the first time. The Majority of our funds go directly to Preservation and Education. Former General George B. McClellan and his running mate, George Pendleton (who later began the U.S. Civil Service) were strongly favored to win the election of 1864. republican/national union candidate 1864. democrat candidate 1864. argued that the war must be won. Ohio's delegation swung from 14–5 Democratic to 17-2 Republican as 10 Democratic incumbents lost renomination or re-election. Excludes states admitted after the start of Congress. D. It happened despite being in the middle of a Civil War. November 8, 2014 Panel Discussion on the Election of 1864 Authors and historians talked about the impact and significance of the 1864 presidential election. This brought to mind one of my favorite scenarios from a reenactment, the election of 1864 at Cedar Creek some years back. Donate today to preserve Civil War battlefields and the nation’s history for generations to come. When all the votes were tallied, Lincoln won the election in a landslide, defeating McClellan by more than 500,000 popular votes and 191 electoral votes. No president had won a second term since Andrew Jackson more than 30 years ago. Election mementos (not to scale). Republicans kept control of the both houses of Congress. Election of 1864 Even in the midst of a Civil War, the American people staged an election and re-elected the incumbent, Abraham Lincoln. War weariness was rampant, as Union armies struggled to overwhelm Southern forces, notching bloody defeats at Mansfield (La. More than for just a candidate, voters cast their ballots to determine questions underpinning the broader fate of the Union: Should the war be continued, or should a peace settlement be negotiated? The election of 1864 was likely the most important election in our nation’s history; or at least up until 2020. Lincoln and his supporters in the National Union Party sought to continue the war and defeat the … Republicans were aided in garnering soldier votes by the support for Lincoln at the highest chains of command; generals like … Lincoln and Johnson's 1864 campaign banner. ), Cold Harbor (Va.), Kennesaw Mountain (Ga.) and the Crater (Va.). Incumbent Democratic U.S. Campaign poster Lincoln Andrew Johnson as the National Union Elections to the United States House of Representatives were held in 1864 to elect Representatives to the 39th United States Congress. The presidential election of 1864 was a remarkable example of the resilience of the democratic process in a time of extreme national uncertainty and chaos. Ahead of Abraham Lincoln's 1864 election triumph, his chances of victory appeared slim and the nation was gripped in civil war. Primary elections are the first stage elections in which voters choose among a field of candidates to select the party’s candidate for the general election. It was the second time in American 1864 Election Facts. The election was held alongside 33 other United States Senate elections in addition to congressional, state, and various local elections. It was a presidential election year, and as one jaded skeptic noted, "the quacking" of politicians—“the buzzing of presidential intriguing”—was audible throughout the land. 1st time fighting and voting happen. They also had union soldiers voting for election. Jefferson Davis, who had been elected president and Alexander H. Stephens, who had been elected vice president, under the Provisional Constitution, were elected to six-year terms (February 22, 1862 – February 22, 1868) as the Confederate States' first permanent president and vice president. The last presidential election to take place in wartime had been in 1812. An incumbent candidate had last been elected for a second term in 1832, and Lincoln’s shift to include emancipation in his war aims was troubling for many Northern voters. As the election drew near, the Union Party mobilized the full strength of both the Republicans and the War Democrats with the slogan “Don’t change horses in the middle of a stream.” A resounding and dramatic Union victory at Cedar Creek in Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley in mid-October added a final wave to Lincoln’s tide of momentum. [5], House elections for the 39th U.S. Congress. Aug 14 2020. The American Battlefield Trust and our members have saved more than 53,000 acres in 24 states! When Lincoln first ran for president in 1860, it was his … ... lost the senatorial election to Douglas but was elected president in 1860. Schermerhorn is a history professor at Arizona State University. McClellan is in the center Start studying Election of 1864. McClellan ran on a peace platform — the consensus platform of the faction-wrought Democratic Party. Of the rejected elections, Florida's and Mississippi's claimants' parties are unknown, while North Carolina elected 4 Union and 3 Conservative Representatives. Represents the combined results of the Republican and Unionist candidates in the last election cycle. He was Lincolns general and now opponent trying to win war. That election was going to have a tremendous impact on the outcome of the Civil War. Republicans and a number of War Democrats together formed the National Union Party, which backed Lincoln as its nominee. The election coincided with the presidential election of 1864, in which President Abraham Lincoln was re-elected. On October 31, 1864, the new state of Nevada elected Republican Henry G. Worthington to finish the term ending March 3, 1865. (Republican) candidates. This page was last edited on 1 January 2021, at 18:58. Divisions of the American Battlefield Trust: The American Battlefield Trust is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Incumbent re-elected to the term starting March 4, 1865. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Lincoln's election served as the primary catalyst of the American Civil War. Lincoln had lost favor with many Radical Republicans, but was still able to secure the nomination of his party. They had a nice ballot box, literature from both candidates… A little more slaughter”. Show your pride in battlefield preservation by shopping in our store. Calvin Schermerhorn. It was decided by the House of Representatives. Senator Barbara Boxer won re-election to a fourth term. By winning re-election in 1864 against his former top general, Lincoln dashed any hopes of a negotiated peace with the Confederacy. argued that the war must end. Union soldiers were given absentee ballots or furloughed to permit them to vote. Remarkably, the election of 1864 was not suspended during the bloody Civil War. The stakes in the election of 1864 were high, with supporters of the National Union Party, led by Lincoln, a Republican, intending to fight the war with the Confederacy to complete victory, securing the abolition of slavery in the entire reunited country.. Calling what ensued a “campaign” might be an overstatement, however, because the candidates did not actively campaign on their own behalf. The political landscape shifted dramatically, however, when Gen. William T. Sherman took Atlanta in early September. Election of 1860. Federal Identification Number (EIN): 54-1426643. The 11 Confederate states did not participate in the election, meaning only 25 states participated. In the United States Presidential election of 1864, Abraham Lincoln was re-elected as president. One new seat was added for the new State of Nevada[1] and 8 vacancies were filled by the readmission of Tennessee, the first secessionist state to be readmitted. Election of 1864 Candidates. McClellan as the Republican candidate. Date speculative, but presumed to be in 1864, United States House of Representatives elections, 1864, List of United States Representatives from Alabama, List of United States Representatives from Arkansas, 1864 United States House of Representatives elections in California, List of United States Representatives from California, List of United States Representatives from Connecticut, List of United States Representatives from Delaware, 1864 United States Senate election in Delaware, 1864 United States Senate special election in Delaware, List of United States Representatives from Florida, List of United States Representatives from Georgia, List of United States Representatives from Illinois, List of United States Representatives from Indiana, List of United States Representatives from Iowa, 1864 United States Senate election in Iowa, List of United States Representatives from Kansas, 1865 United States Senate election in Kansas, List of United States Representatives from Kentucky, List of United States Representatives from Louisiana, List of United States Representatives from Maine, List of United States Representatives from Maryland, 1864 United States Senate special election in Maryland, 1865 United States Senate special election in Maryland, List of United States Representatives from Massachusetts, 1865 United States Senate election in Massachusetts, List of United States Representatives from Michigan, 1865 United States Senate election in Michigan, List of United States Representatives from Minnesota, 1865 United States Senate election in Minnesota, List of United States Representatives from Mississippi, List of United States Representatives from Missouri, 1864 United States House of Representatives election in Nevada, 1865 United States House of Representatives election in Nevada, List of United States Representatives from Nevada, 1865 United States Senate elections in Nevada, List of United States Representatives from New Hampshire, 1864 United States Senate election in New Hampshire, List of United States Representatives from New Jersey, 1864 United States Senate election in New Jersey, List of United States Representatives from New York, List of United States Representatives from North Carolina, 1864 United States House of Representatives elections in Ohio, List of United States Representatives from Ohio, List of United States Representatives from Oregon, 1864 United States Senate election in Oregon, List of United States Representatives from Pennsylvania, List of United States Representatives from Rhode Island, 1864 United States Senate election in Rhode Island, List of United States Representatives from South Carolina, List of United States Representatives from Tennessee, List of United States Representatives from Texas, List of United States Representatives from Vermont, List of United States Representatives from Virginia, 1865 United States Senate election in Virginia, 1865 United States Senate special election in Virginia, List of United States Representatives from West Virginia, 1865 United States Senate election in West Virginia, List of United States Representatives from Wisconsin, Non-voting members of the United States House of Representatives, 1864 and 1865 United States Senate elections,, "Our Campaigns - MT Territorial Delegate - Initial Election Race - Nov 08, 1864", "Our Campaigns - MT Territorial Delegate Race - Nov 07, 1865", "Our Campaigns - AZ Territorial Delegate Race - Aug 02, 1865", "Our Campaigns - ID Territorial Delegate Race - Oct 10, 1864", "Party Divisions of the House of Representatives* 1789–Present", United States House of Representatives elections,, 1864 United States House of Representatives elections, 1865 United States House of Representatives elections, Pages using bar box without float left or float right, Articles to be expanded from December 2020, All articles with lists with data missing, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Lincoln as the Democratic candidate. The 1860 United States presidential election was the 19th quadrennial presidential election.It was held on November 6, 1860.In a four-way contest, the Republican Party ticket of Abraham Lincoln and Hannibal Hamlin emerged triumphant. Every purchase supports the mission. New Hampshire lawyer and Democratic politician nominated as a compromise candidate and elected president in 1852. The election pitted incumbent Abraham Lincoln and his running mate Andrew Johnson, the military governor of Tennessee and a former U.S. McClellan ran on a peace platform — the consensus platform of the faction-wrought Democratic Party. Why was the election of 1864 notable? Worthington was not renominated for the next term, however, and on November 7, 1865, Republican Delos R. Ashley was elected November 7, 1865 for the term that had already begun but would not formally meet until December 4, 1865. By Lincoln’s inauguration in March, seven Southern states had seceded. Abe. Lincoln was the. In comparison to the combined results of the Republican and Unionist candidates in the last election cycle. Your tax-deductible gift will help us to preserve this irreplaceable twice-hallowed ground at Gaines' Mill and Cold Harbor — forever. The 1824 election was the first in which a large majority of electors were chosen by voters rather than by appointment by state legislatures. McClellan was the. Lincoln wrote a dour memorandum on August 23, 1864, asking his cabinet to accept the grim prospects for his re-election: “This morning, as for some days past, it seems exceedingly probable that this Administration will not be re-elected. Although "An Act to establish a uniform time for holding elections for electors of President and Vice President in all the States of the Union (28th Congress, 2nd Session, Chapter 1, 5. A. Soldiers voting in the field in 1864 would take ballots provided to them, mark them and return them to their local state election officials for counting. B. United States presidential election of 1888, American presidential election held on Nov. 6, 1888, in which Republican Benjamin Harrison defeated Democratic incumbent Grover Cleveland, winning in the electoral college 233–168 despite losing the popular vote. An estimated 78 percent of Union soldiers cast their ballots in favor of Lincoln. The 2010 United States Senate election in California took place on November 2, 2010. To learn the basic issues and candidates in the Presidential election of 1864. This election took place during the Third Party System and the Civil War, and the election was held shortly after the Union victory in the Battle of Atlanta. More importantly, Lincoln was weakened by widespread criticism of his handling of the war. Elections to the United States House of Representatives were held in 1864 to elect Representatives to the 39th United States Congress.The election coincided with the presidential election of 1864, in which President Abraham Lincoln was re-elected.. Both candidates wanted to continue to fight to victory, but while McClellan would allow the South to reenter the Union, Lincoln was hesitant to do so. David J. The election pitted incumbent Abraham Lincoln and his running mate Andrew Johnson, the military governor of Tennessee and a former U.S. The guys who came up with the idea opened the election to the entire Federal Army. Tax-Deductible gift will help us to preserve Civil war with no end in sight on election Day, November,. Served as the primary catalyst of the war impact on the outcome of the parties are below. 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