Hamsters love spinach, and they can eat it! Cereals and grains, such as whole wheat crackers, healthy breads and rolls, oats and cereals. The same goes for your cats, dogs, and other household pets. Contrary to what most people would believe, not all seeds are a healthy treat to your hamster, as some of them can also be dangerous and even poisonous to these little rodents. and how to calm him down... See if adding cat supplements to your pet care routine may help your with cat constipation or cat nutrition, and... What To Do When You Think Your Bird Is Sick Or Injured, 5 Things You Need to Know Before Bringing Home a French Bulldog. If you offer pineapple to hamsters, they might react badly to it. Dark chocolate is the worst offender, but obviously you should not feed your hamster any kind of chocolate. Junk food e.g chips, crisps too fatty - If a hamster is sick and requires wet food, it¿s important all traces are removed at least twice daily to ensure the food doesn¿t start to degrade. Just like processed sugars can boost our cravings and increase our waistlines, they don’t do our hamsters any favors, either. It doesn’t matter what kind of vegetable we’re talking about here. Find out when to use first aid on your pet bird and when to get your bird to your avian... What to be aware of when you and your dog head out after dusk. Can Hamsters Eat Bread. It’s processed sugars you need to worry about. A half to full teaspoon of cabbage every day or two is recommended for your hamster. Trying to diversify your hamster’s diet is not necessarily a bad idea. Onions. If she isn’t eating her healthy rodent block well or is developing soft stool, discontinue the extras and consult your veterinarian for advice. Why Do Hamsters Die? If you’re already feeding your hamster the foods on this list, we recommend you stop doing so immediately. Can Hamsters Eat Pineapple? (And What You Need to Do About It), How to Feed Hamsters – A Guide for Beginners. Sure! Learn more about why your kitten behaves the way he does (there’s a reason!) However, once you go beyond commercial food and treats, you need to pay special attention to what it is you’re giving your hamster. Hamsters will eat all kinds of vegetables and fruit, cereals, seeds and even dairy foods. Your hamsters’ health depends on what they eat and this is the purpose of the post. Dr. McLaughlin received her DVM degree from Oklahoma State University and is now an associate veterinarian at The Center for Bird and Exotic Animal Medicine in Bothell, WA. – but some things can be harmful to an animal, even more so to a small critter like a hamster. But you better make sure that this is not their typical day to day diet. Just like you wouldn’t eat fruits or vegetables without washing them first, your hamster deserves the same consideration. Can hamsters eat carrots? We were too. This can affect the red blood cells of a hamster. (And how to stop yours from stinking! This is because their acidity could give your hamster problems with their digestion. This does not go for cooked potatoes, but you should always remove the skins just to be safe. Limit fruits with too much caloric content to avoid problems with weight gain, specifically with Russian hamsters.Be careful with citrus fruits, as they can sometimes prove to be too acidic for hamsters. Tomato leaves are toxic for your hamsters. Hamsters loves fruits. but give the hamster human food once in a while, not always. What can hamsters eat? Syrian hamsterscan have a little sugar and acidity in their diet but not much as eating it on the regular on in high quantity can be very harmful to their health. But you need to know how much to feed them, as feeding too much can cause issues for your hamster. Keep reading to learn which of these can be fed in moderation and which are absolutely big no-no’s, and to see why an innocent looking lettuce or celery could, in fact, harm your hamster. Feed your hamster … Here is a list of foods to watch out for. Anonymous. Extend this practice to your hamster as well. What can’t hamsters eat? Now, tomatoes, when fed in very small amounts, are permissible. Any part of the rhubarb—be that the stalk, the ends, or the leaves—should not be fed to your hamster raw. Small amounts of other green leafy vegetables, such as dandelion greens, romaine lettuce and kale, are much … You could try small amounts of chicken or salmon on rare occasions – but even those aren’t necessary. Actually hamsters aren't picky eaters and will eat almost anything. Hamsters can eat bread depending on what type. A large pinch of sunflower seeds, bird seed, cracked corn and other foods high in fat every two or three days is a welcome treat to most hamsters. Hamsters have very different digestive systems to our own, and there are many foods that we can eat happily that hamsters cannot. These may be hard to digest for little stomachs like your hamster’s. As for sweet peppers, such as bell peppers, they’re best consumed in moderation. What you need to know about ferrets and common skin problems. How can you keep your Yorkie fit? The only type of fruits that you should definitely avoid are citrus fruits, such as oranges and lemons. You could try small amounts of chicken or salmon on rare … Top tip: don’t feed your hamster a muesli-style food mix. Remember that sugar can masquerade as many different names, including: If you see any of those ingredients (as well as anything that ends in “sugar”) on the ingredients list of your hamster’s food, it’s time to switch brands. Some fruits and vegetables you might feed as treats to your hamster have naturally-occurring sugars in them. Instead, the hamster will come down with diarrhea. Never give your hamsters tomato leaves. Can hamsters eat cheese? The ideal hamster diet will include: Commercial hamster pellets (not a muesli-style mix). Hamsters should eat only small amounts of nuts, seeds and grains, because they're high in fat. 0 0. These almonds contain emulsin, an enzyme, that produces essential oils, cyanide, and glucose. Even when feeding a seemingly safe food as a treat, make sure you limit the quantity. Hamsters will eat anything you give them, so you do need to be mindful when it comes to … In small amounts, they are perfectly fine but many more and they may upset their tiny tummies. Some people recommend meal worms. I accidentally dropped a jelly bean but my hamster came running towards it and ate it does this mean anything bad like the hamster feeling upset stomach, I have no clue I am a new hamster owner I just got one friday SO CUTE, I have no clue I am a new hamster owner I just got one. The first step to keep your furry friend in tip-top shape is to knowing what to feed—and what not to feed! There might be some bad things that the hamster can’t forget. Although it’s sweeter than most vegetables, tomatoes are indeed quite acidic. In other words, hamsters are omnivorous and need a varied diet to stay healthy. The Aspergillus parasiticus and Aspergillus flavus are the two fungi responsible for making aflatoxins. Surprised by some of these? 0 1. Also, if left raw, potatoes and their tops can be toxic to hamsters. If you don’t feel comfortable feeding your hamster something, then don’t do it. Actually, hamsters in the wild will eat insects and other invertebrates they come across. Therefore, it is important to follow a course of dry feed, provided … You may be surprised to learn that some foods generally considered healthy and beneficial to your nutrition, like almonds, can be harmful to your hamster. If you get your hands on bitter almonds, the effects could be deadly. While the above information is a lot to keep track of, it’s imperative you do so for your hamster’s health. As for actual peppers – some types have varying degrees of spiciness. Its acidic substance is not good for the hamsters. There’s also the processed ingredients, which are no good. Owners of pet hamsters should rely on high-quality commercial hamster pellets to provide their pet with a balanced nutrition. Can hamsters eat blueberries? Those are fine to give to your hamster. The high sugar and/or salt content in these foods can lead to upset stomachs, diarrhea, and dehydration. According to Dr. McLaughlin, the risk of obesity, heart disease, liver disease, and kidney disease warrants avoiding meat in your hamster’s diet. Some use carrots as their main dietary food for hamsters. Just be careful not to give cooked food which is too oily. Check out 7 Hamster Health Issues Every Owner Needs to Know About. Avoid those at all costs. Lettuce, iceberg: It contains little in the way of nutrition and can cause diarrhea. They love the occasional treat – don’t we all? Hamsters should not eat candy, according to hamster-club.com. They cant eat dairy, meats and carbs (carbohydrates), but they can eat most fruit and veg and hamster food pellets. Pay special attention to fruits of all kinds. If your hamster eats too much cyanide, it will kill them. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. Cabbage is a highly recommended treat for hamsters and all hamsters like good quality cabbage; it does not matter if it is the Winter White, the Campbell’s, the Syrian, the Robo or the Chinese hamster.. Can Hamsters Eat Cabbage? All rights reserved (c) 2019 -2020 Hamsters101.com. The same rule applies to blueberries as for most fruit and vegetables when it comes to feeding them to your hamster. Why is that? How much do hamsters eat? You can feed them cheese once or twice a week as a treat but not as the main source of nutrients as it does not have that much. Occasionally, you might want to supplement your pet’s diet with a little bit of protein. Just because you can eat a food safely does not mean your hamster can as well. A quality, pelleted diet, also called rodent block, is a good start. Hamsters can eat a wide variety of fruits; including grapes, strawberries, apples and watermelon. There’s always the risk of pesticides getting into their system. Feeding your hamster an unhealthy diet—even unintentionally—can increase the chance of her experiencing an early death from an illness like heart disease, diabetes or other nutritional-related ailments. All and all, avoid foods that are loaded with seeds and nuts because both are very high in fat and are unhealthy as a diet staple. Sure thing! This is what happens when people eat rhubarb, by the way. As for onions, these vegetables contain a substance known as N-propyl disulfide. Hamsters can eat fruits, cereal, popcorn, paper, hamster food) He can eat almost everything. As a rule of thumb, limit fruit and other treats to approximately half-a-teaspoon worth, no more than 2-3 times a week. Hamsters enjoy these foods, but high-fat diets increase hamster mortality, according to Florida Atlantic. If you own the hamster at the first time and understand the significance of providing a healthy diet to this pet, then you can focus on how to spice up the diet for your pet with safe and healthy foods. The best thing you can do is take your hamster to an exotic animal vet if you notice your hamster is showing signs of dehydration, as by the time it is clinically apparent, it is very severe and your hamster likely needs fluid support. Constipation in hamsters is often caused by a diet poor in fiber, insufficient water consumption or hair ingestion. If you choose not to feed your hamster with quality feed but instead, naturally, you can offer it a mixture of seeds, grains and nuts in raw. In general, the most popular choice of seeds when it comes to hamsters are sunflower and pumpkin seeds. What can hamsters eat | what answered. Even if you only feed a small piece of a peanut, it could be fatal IF it happens to contain aflatoxins. Therefore only one or two small pieces of raspberries would be enough for them and not often. Chocolate (or any other sugary sweet) Although nuts like peanuts and almonds aren't directly toxic to hamsters, they are dense in caloric and fat content and can be provided in a volume that quickly exceeds daily caloric requirements and contributes to obesity. These include skinless sweet potatoes, apples, bananas, and the like. While not every food is fatal, they’re all a bad choice of snack for your furry friend. These are things which your hamster should not eat: Fish(they can eat it but it makes them smell bad) Sweets and candy are high in sugar. Home About Topics Articles Ask Unanswered Contact News Twitter Facebook Rss Feed Improve this answer. for me I'd prefer to leave them out. Fresh food is also a viable source of nutrients for your dwarf hamster but you should be careful when it comes to feeding your pet fresh food because not all of them are safe to eat. Perhaps a better question is: "what CAN a hamster eat?" You should also avoid ever letting your hamster consume the leaves of a tomato. Hamsters like to store food in their cheeks, so giving them sticky food can cause problems from sticking, injuring the membranes in the cheeks. It’s fine if you yourself want to partake in some junk food, but keep it away from your pet! Uncooked kidney beans are not safe for hamsters to eat. A wild hamster’s diet is made of vegetables, roots, some nuts, insects and even small lizards when they can catch them. While cooked rhubarb is fine in small quantities, do you really want to risk it? Eggplant. Here are a few examples of foods your hamster should never eat: any type of citrus at all – lemon, orange, clementine, grapefruit, etc. Other safe foods to share with your hamster in very small amounts—less than a fingernail-size portion and only a few times per week—include: Always monitor your hamster closely. Anything that is too sweet or sticky can be harmful. Ans: No matter whether hamsters like oranges or not, you should not feed oranges or any kind of citrus fruits like lemons to hamsters. Skip the junk food and stick to healthy things like whole grains, fresh vegetables, and fruit (in moderation, otherwise diarrhea may result). Fruits are high in sugar content and while they provide important nutrients, they should only be fed in very small amounts. These are toxic and thus can be deadly if eaten, even in small quantities. This recommendation applies to watermelon seeds, rind, and the skin. What Type of Seeds Can Hamsters Eat. In hamsters, excessive dehydration can kill. While it’s ok to feed insects, beef is not a natural food for hamsters. But din't give him chocolate, he may die. How Often To Give Your Hamster Fruit And Vegetables? If you want to know what treats or foods are safe for your hamster, you should check out this hamsters food list. - Wet food can be difficult to clean from the cage and is susceptible to mould/bacteria growth which can be harmful to hamsters. The fungi prefer humid and warm environments to thrive. Feeding the wrong foods can definitely be risky for the well-being of your pet. Your hamster’s eyes will look sunken, they’ll be weak and slow, and they won’t want to eat if they’re dangerously dehydrated. It’s also in the kola nut and tea plant leaves (so keep your hamster away from those, too). By: Dr. Sandra Mitchell Sometimes bacterial strains like salmonella can get through via unwashed produce, too. Eating them can cause your hamster to gain weight, which can be detrimental to its health. How Often Should You Clean a Hamster’s Cage? We already mentioned that your hamster should be restricted from sugary treats, but we wanted to mention chocolate specifically. Pet Central Contributor, By: Caitlin UltimoPublished: January 20, 2015, By: Caitlin UltimoPublished: September 1, 2016, By: Caitlin UltimoPublished: July 9, 2012, By: Caitlin UltimoPublished: June 17, 2019, By: Caitlin UltimoPublished: September 16, 2016, By: Chewy EditorialPublished: May 28, 2017. Feeding peanuts to small animals is kind of like playing Russian roulette – most of the time you will be fine, but there is always a chance that it could be deadly. Constipation: A constipated hamster may refuse to eat or eat very little. These starchy foods may bind us, humans, up, but they will do the exact opposite to hamsters. Even a whole grape is too large for your hamster. Also, you must also know the limitations of what your pet must consume, Check out How to Feed Hamsters. Candy could upset a hamster's delicate digestive system. Their teeth will also be negatively affected, as your hamster’s chompers could rot. It’s got what you can and can not feed hamsters, and what kind of treats hamsters can eat. And make sure you lose the seeds and stalks first. Some owners don't like the idea of feeding their hamsters meat. Peanuts can sometimes contain a toxin known as aflatoxin. Even if they’re the veggies your hamster should be eating, like cucumbers, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, or chicory, if they’re not clean, your hamster shouldn’t have them. Thinking about getting a Frenchie? Always approach the hamster with a treat or food, and it will be easier. On the other hand Chinese hamsters cannot eat raspberries at all as … Here’s a list of foods you should not feed your hamster (or feed in extreme moderation) –. There are other foods your hamster should avoid, mainly because his stomach is not built for such foods. According to Dr. Alicia McLaughlin, DVM, aflatoxins can be present in small amounts in any peanut-product you feed. Kidney beans, uncooked: These are toxic to hamsters; do not feed! There are a variety of types of hamsters and each type of hamster has different dietary needs. Well-washed fruits and vegetables, such as blackberries, peaches and mango. Hamsters can have tomatoes and bell peppers in very small amounts only! It is not recommended to feed your hamster Watermelon because it contains a high percentage of water which can cause watery stools & diarrhea. Proteins, such as tofu, hard-boiled or scrambled eggs, and small amounts of lean chicken. To help you out, we’re prepared a list of the dangerous foods you must avoid. We hope this goes without saying, but your hamster does not want chips, candy, cakes, cookies, or any other junk food. You may also notice their skin loses its elasticity if touched or pinched. They leave the parts that are high in fibre and eat the bits that are high in sugar. As long as you make sure most of your hamster’s diet is balanced (usually by means of providing a quality hamster-specific commercial food), adding fresh fruit and veggies is a great idea. For a more complete list of hamster foods, have a look at our Hamster Food List. To help, include fiber-rich fruits and vegetables into your hamster’s diet, such as plums, pears, lettuce and … For that reason alone, you might want to omit tomatoes from your hamster’s diet altogether. As such, it is vital to feed them properly to keep them with us as long as possible. Ans: We discourage you to offer pineapples to the hamsters. Though you may be able to feed some of these foods in moderation to your hamster, follow the precautionary steps to ensure it won’t be hazardous or deadly for your pet. Don’t forget to read here more about what treats you can actually give your hamster. Hey everyone, thank you for watching this video. Find out about the proper Yorkshire Terrier diet and exercise. 7 Hamster Health Issues Every Owner Needs to Know About, Read more about dehydration in hamsters in our health guide here, what treats you can actually give your hamster, The Center for Bird and Exotic Animal Medicine, Can Hamsters Get Rabies? Read more about dehydration in hamsters in our health guide here. Can Hamsters Eat Celery (Including Stalks)? But what if you’re concern about the diseases these hamsters might have. Do Hamsters Smell? Hamster mixes and pellets should make up the bulk of your hamster’s food as they come with more or less the complete nutritional requirements needed by your pet. Dr. McLaughlin is a member of the American Veterinary Medical Association as well as the Association of Exotic Mammal Veterinarians, among other professional organizations. 9 years ago. Keep any food containing raw or processed sugar of any kind, away from your hamster. any part of … BeWell / Health & Nutrition / What Can Hamsters Eat? ). This post was written with help from Dr. Alicia McLaughlin, DVM. Keeping them on a simple diet of pellets and limited fruits and vegetables won’t bother them at all. If you continue to eat it, you could later get an abnormal heart rate, bone loss, and muscle weakness. By: Sandra MitchellPublished: September 13, 2018. These are spicier vegetables. Hamsters are wonderful small family members, but they must be fed properly to help them live long, healthy lives. If you give them too much more, they will stuff it in their cheek pouches and hoard it somewhere in the cage. Hamsters love fresh food such as fruits and vegetables but feeding them only these is a mistake because they can cause digestive disorders. Suitable foods are banana, apple, nuts, rice, beansprouts, pasta, chicken, egg, and hamster food. Pet hamsters only require about 1 to 2 tablespoons of food per day. Compared to sweet almonds, bitter almonds have 42x the cyanide. You can feed your hamster a variety of human foods as long as you limit the treats to no more than 10 percent of your hamster's diet. Unless you’ve found this out the hard way personally, then you might not know that you’re not supposed to eat raw rhubarb. Consumption can sometimes lead to uterine contractions, watery diarrhea, and intestinal pain. You can also give your pet hamsters some treats once in a week that contains fresh fruits. Hamster food requires a diet with specific nutrients. As you know, most vegetables are a-okay for your hamster to consume, unless of course, we’re talking about garlic and onions. Hamsters can eat leafy greens such as dandelions and clover, but also tasty fruits and vegetables such as pears, carrots and cabbage. When we say small amounts, we mean half of a single teaspoon. These are treats and should be limited to up to 5% of your hamster’s diet – the rest of it should be made up of quality balanced hamster food. If the vegetable can do that much damage to us, then why give it to your hamster? All those who are having hamsters as pets at home must have fair knowledge related to what do hamsters eat. Even human-grade peanuts can contain small amounts of aflatoxins, and a small amount for a person is a large amount for a hamster. These small amounts are enough to kill a hamster. Feeding your hamster more than it can eat may also cause the hamster to pick out the pieces it wants, leaving the rest to go to waste. If you see any sign of toxicity or any health hazard in the hamsters, consult a vet as soon as possible. While it’s ok to feed insects, beef is not a natural food for hamsters. Apple slices (without seeds) Another vegetable (okay, technically it’s a fruit) that can hurt your hamster is the humble tomato. Your hamster’s eyes will look sunken, they’ll be weak and slow, and they won’t want to eat if they’re dangerously dehydrated. no junk food, tomato leaves, rhubarb, rhubarb leaves, potato, sugary cereals, salty foods, and no citrus fruits. Why is this? Hamsters are very versatile in what foods they can eat, but it is important not to feed your hamsters citrus fruits, these include lemon, oranges, etc. In hamsters, excessive dehydration can kill. Small rodents, including hamsters, live very short lifespans. If your hamster were to munch on too much of one, they’d end up with diarrhea. How Do You Find a Hamster Lost in the House? According to Dr. McLaughlin, the risk of obesity, heart disease, liver disease, and kidney disease warrants avoiding meat in your hamster’s diet. In fact, it’s probably the best solution for both pet and owner! You may also notice their skin loses its elasticity if touched or pinched. You know, kind of like ours do if we enjoy too much sugar. Can Hamsters Eat Watermelon. Hamsters eat various foods range from vegetables and fruits to seeds and rusks. Oxbow and other brands offer quality foods for hamsters. Also, shy away from foods with visible fruit in them—if you see the “extras,” they are in an unhealthy quantity. They are acidic and can upset a hamster’s delicate system if consumed in high amounts. Well, there are lots of things that you can make a part of hamsters' diet like seeds, dried fruits, vegetables, and so on. Today I go through a selection of foods hamsters can eat. Diversity is good – for a hamster’s health and general well-being. When severe enough, all that diarrhea can cause dehydration. If you’ve had a cat or dog in the past, you already know not to feed them chocolate. What can hamsters eat, we're not talking about what can richard hammond eat, we are infact talking about the real little fluffy cute pet hamsters. Therefore in order to answer the question about raspberries we need to look at each breed specifically. Chocolate has theobromine, a bitter alkaloid that naturally occurs in cacao plants. (And How to Help Them Live Longer!). 1 decade ago. Is A 20 Gallon Tank Big Enough For A Hamster? In hamsters, theobromine can lead to circulatory issues. This can cause painful problems with their teeth and can also mean they put on weight. As a hamster owner, you’re probably wondering about avoiding dangerous foods for your little voracious cuties. While you should avoid directly feeding your hamster any sugary substances, double-check the packaged foods you give it. Anonymous. Safe for hamsters uterine contractions, watery diarrhea, and the like recommended feed! Cells of a single teaspoon feel comfortable feeding your hamster away from your hamster little! 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