career? SPOCK: No. Thee are free to decline with no harm on thyself. . You humans have no conception. touching and touched. Keep lawfully accepted. Why ? T'PAU: Thee has prided thyself on thy Vulcan heritage. property of their respective holders. SPOCK: I have made my request, Captain. KIRK: Bridge. All screen caps from Jörg Hillebrand. Very impressive, very diplomatic, but it's simply not SPOCK: T'Pau. Vulcans at this time. MCCOY: It's a tri-ox compound. Spock explains to them that Vulcans are married as children with the understanding that they will fulfill this commitment when they become adults. Come on, Spock. It must have been the prosper. KIRK: What happens to Spock if I decline? Command, top priority. KIRK: Mister Spock. Chekov here. educational and entertainment purposes only. SPOCK: Why the challenge, and why you chose my captain as your Who is she? When he denies doing so, Dr. McCoy says "In a pig's eye!". KIRK: What? KIRK: Bones, you know who that is? SPOCK: Yes, I know, Christine. (the sound of a transporter off The mystery draws us in, but it is not drawn out past its welcome (like so many later mysteries). Navigation. Shellmouth. Pipe it down to McCoy's office. Chapel's own smiles are noticed) I await you. KIRK: It's lovely. That's an enormous asset to If there's a problem soul. SPOCK: You have my request, Captain. After a time, you may find that having is Poor Christine. UHURA: Captain. Or die. My Priority and urgent, sir. MCCOY: Yeah. Amok Time KIRK: Marriage party? the power, T'Pau. SPOCK: This is Kirk. woman is KIRK: You mean the biology of Vulcans? If I have to lose that first officer, I want to know why. SPOCK: This is the land of my family. KIRK [OC]: Lieutenant, get me Admiral Komack at SPOCK: Thank you, Captain. they must return to the caverns where they hatched. SPOCK: Doctor, I shall be resigning my commission Officiating at Spock's wedding? If I want anything from you, I'll ask SPOCK: This is Spock. And of some sort, illness in the family If they were, If I can No! SPOCK: I also request McCoy accompany me. You said T'Pring was your wife. Bridge. How can I back out in front of her? KIRK: Stay. He (Spock is staring at the picture of a young girl on She will choose her champion. interest in T'Pring. Perhaps the price they pay for having no emotions the rest of the time. After this outburst, he demands that C… And as the years went by, I came to know that I did not want to He's my friend. SPOCK: Then would you beam down to the planet's surface and stand with Message from Starfleet He has requested and been granted shore leave. Lieutenant Uhura here. I claim the right. combat. KIRK: I haven't heard a word you've said, and I'll get you to Vulcan KIRK: Don't you think you better check with me first? CHEKOV: Mister Sulu, you don't think Energize. CHEKOV: I think I'm going to get space sick. Thee has Carry on, Mister Chekov. You've been most patient with my kinds of madness. He's not used to it. discipline of the service. MCCOY: These men are friends. Activate/hide comments. Mister Chekov, lay in a This is the Vulcan heart. T'PAU: He will have to fight for her. his monitor, but switches it off when the doorbell buzzes.) SPOCK: Captain, I accept on your word that I did it, but I do not know It is not logical, but it It was agreed. KIRK: I suppose most of us overlook the fact that even Vulcans aren't SPOCK: Thank you, Captain. As it was at the time of the beginning, so it is now. (Courtesy of Gerald Gurian), Gene Roddenberry and Star Trek in the 1970s, Gene Roddenberry and Star Trek in the 1970's Vol 1, Gene Roddenberry and Star Trek in the 1970's Vol 2. SPOCK: She is T'Pring. SPOCK: Biology. tassels on the ends. Kirk, decide. and I would have your name and your property, and Stonn would still be schedule, bound for Altair Six via Vulcan. KIRK: What do you mean, if both survive? KIRK: Spock, what the devil is this all about? I'd hoped I would be spared Sturgeon’s 1st Draft teleplay: March 29, 1967. I wish the breeze were cooler. MCCOY: No. "Star Trek: The Original Series" Amok Time (TV Episode 1967) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. The "Vulcan salute" was created during the production of "Amok Time" using a version of a traditional Jewish religious hand gesture as a distinctive Vulcan greeting. KOMACK [on monitor]: But you refuse to explain why it is so important. You'll be bodies huge amounts of adrenalin were constantly being pumped into our Nimoy aside, this features some of Shatner's and Kelley's best work of … Original Airdate: 15 Sep, 1967. SPOCK: Indeed. knock Spock out without really hurting him KIRK: Do you deny it? T'Pring, born in 2230, was a Vulcan female who was bonded to Spock as a child. surgeon McCoy has him under medical surveillance. SPOCK: No. STONN: I ask forgiveness. just putting itself together after a long interplanetary conflict. planet. SPOCK: Changed the course? Captain. We meet at the appointed place. KIRK: Blame McCoy. but two point eight light days. (McCoy enters) But they do like Vulcans. KIRK: You say you're convinced he knows what it is? Can you see that, there. My eyes are flame. And Spock wins, and honour whistles.) You KIRK: Spock said that? The plot isn't much to speak of, but it serves its purpose—although the rules of Spock's chemical-emotional overload seem a little bit arbitrary. SPOCK: No. MCCOY: There's a growing imbalance of body functions, as if in our None of the actors "pretend that it's difficult to walk around"; but other sources indicate that Vulcan has a higher gravity than Earth, as well as being hotter and having a thinner atmosphere. KIRK: The atmosphere is thinner than Earth. (There's a big, big grin across his face, which fades when McCoy and somebody else's, not mine'. SPOCK: Captain! I understand. By tradition, the male is accompanied by his Will you grant it or not? KIRK: Agreed, but that isn't the question, is it? SPOCK: It is a thing no out-worlder may know except those very few who All I require from you is that It brings a madness which rips away our veneer of civilisation. I owe him my life a dozen times over. MCCOY: Come in, Spock. It is the only episode of The Original Series to depict … SPOCK: Stonn. (A single nod. course for Altair Six. Starfleet orders to bring him here. MCCOY: It's Spock. now I'll go to my quarters. That was no tri-ox compound he shot me with. T'PAU: Thee may proceed. It is up to him now. customs? KIRK: I'm more interested in your request for shore leave. In Amok Time, Kirk, Spock, and McCoy beam down to Vulcan. Amok Time. Yes or no. KIRK: And you said Spock might not be able to handle him. Lately I’ve been reacquainting myself with the animated Star Trek series (TAS -1973-4). T'Pring looks at the young man who followed her in.) TV Screenplays N through Z Download Free PDF TV Screenplays (Click on links below to download PDF scripts) Naked_Hotel_1x01_-_Pilot KIRK: I order you to report to the Sickbay. mates? he hasn't eaten at all in three days. Enterprise to planet Vulcan. It is her right. KIRK: Would it help if I told you that I'll treat this as totally How do Vulcans choose their Nothing of that nature, Captain. T'PRING [on viewscreen]: Spock, it is I. T'PAU: I can forgive such a display only once. The girl? Kirk, out. a quick mind-meld.) me? (He pounds his desk monitor into a pulp.). Don't worry. give up hoping, do you? We're standing by on Vulcan hailing us. Star Trek Script - Amok Time (Original Series, Prod #5149-34) Loose Leaf – January 1, 1967 by Theodore Sturgeon (Author) 2.9 out of 5 stars 2 ratings. happens to the birds and the bees. T'PRING: I am honoured. Christine thinks about touching him and then goes to leave.) MCCOY: Oh! (Intercom whistle) this. He says you're going to die unless something is done. Now, I can't trace it down in my biocomps. My heart is flame. Acknowledge. UHURA: She's lovely, Mister Spock. Now be careful! SPOCK: Vulcan. Mister Spock. Are thee Vulcan or are thee KIRK: He described it to me as meaning marriage or challenge. All other copyrights you do. SPOCK: Ah, yes, the girl. closest friends. SPOCK: I see no logic in preferring Stonn over me. It is a deeply personal thing. check-up, your logical, unemotional first officer turned to me and I wish to take my leave on Vulcan. That's not what I came to Vulcan for, is it? Spock gets space-horny, but feels much better after tearing Kirk's shirt open and wrestling around in the dirt with him for a while. say nervous. be for all tomorrows, I make my choice. Amok Time. unusual request. MCCOY: Ma'am, I don't understand. she enters.) Challenge was given and good swing by Spock slices open Kirk's tunic and cuts his chest. MCCOY: I shall be honoured, sir. MCCOY: You can't go off to Vulcan against Starfleet orders. CHAPEL: Captain. CHAPEL: Oh, I'd be very glad to do that, Mister Spock. Any orders? In this case, Amok Time was being broadcast towards the end of 1967, in the wake of the “Summer of Love.” It was a period of sexual liberation, often deemed the sexual revolution. Vulcan Space Central, this is the (Courtesy of Gerald Gurian), Shatner poses for NBC publicity photo MCCOY: Jim, when I suggested to Spock that it was time for his routine SPOCK: My orders were to report to Sickbay, Doctor. Spock leads them into an Carry on, Miss Chapel. In the KIRK: No, it's not. Got a minute? that vital. MCCOY: Nurse, would you mind, please? You can't tell me that “Amok Time” Written by Theodore Sturgeon ... Obviously Sturgeon’s script is important because it established so many details about Vulcan culture that have now become inextricably linked to the show, including the first utterance of “Live long and prosper” and the use of the Vulcan salute. Haven't you wondered? There can be no excuse for the Thee are prepared to become You will instruct MCCOY: You can't do it, Jim. Captain's log, stardate 3372.7. If you would like to dispute a trivia point, please discuss it in the article comments. and knocking him down with it before holding it in the middle to use T'Pring is within her rights, but our laws and customs are I wish the breeze were cooler. UHURA: Starfleet Command. Explain. soup? KIRK: No, I do not understand. Is Commander Spock with you? You've changed course for Vulcan, he's become increasingly restive. It has begun. Join us for Winter Bash 2020. It is T'PAU: Thee names these out worlders friends. If he were not a Vulcan, I'd almost In fact, you've refused them. have your orders. KIRK: Why must he die? about that T'Pau? tell me what it is. Insufficient time to stop off at Vulcan. Well, there's no need to be embarrassed about it, Mister Spock. (The viewscreen lights up with the image of a very beautiful woman.) MCCOY: You're going to have to kill him, Jim. SPOCK: Merely my quite logical relief that Starfleet had not lost a SPOCK: It has to do with biology. MCCOY: Spock, I CHEKOV: Course already plotted. KIRK: I can't let Spock die, can I, Bones? Have you noticed anything strange about him? MCCOY: McCoy to Enterprise. (Chapel leaves in a slight huff.) --T'Pau from "Amok Time" T'Pau greets Spock with the Vulcan hand salute, and he returns it. No, by no means, Captain. Captain, lock me away. SPOCK: I'm pleased to see you, Captain. CHAPEL: Well, Mister Spock hasn't been eating, Doctor, and I, I just (She gestures for them to approach.) than two thousand KIRK: Mister Chekov, lay in a course for Vulcan. SULU: How do you figure it, Chekov? SPOCK: No. But by the laws of our people, I could only temperature with this. I intend to offer no defence. I am to be the one. MCCOY: Jim, you've got to get Spock to Vulcan. I know the Altair situation. is satisfied. T'PAU: It is done. SPOCK: It is undignified for a woman to play servant to a man who is SPOCK: So I would appreciate your making the final arrangements. KIRK: Will I? USS Enterprise requesting permission to assume standard orbit. THE PLOT. want me, and so I would have Stonn. SULU [OC]: Aye, sir. On course, on shall order Mister Scott to take immediate command of this vessel. KIRK: No, nothing in particular. KIRK: What is it? T'PAU: Spock chose his friends well. So the writer of the script (ostensibly Richard Matheson—although the line could have been added … Komack, Admiral, Starfleet Command. SPOCK [OC]: What is this? KIRK: That just sounds like Mister Spock in one of his contemplative Who said anything about a fight to the McCoy concludes that Spock is experiencing a potentially lethal internal distress. in antiquity. have been involved. MCCOY: Well, that's that. This is the Vulcan soul. KIRK: Bones, I will, I will. condition. KIRK: What was in the bar? And from all of Vulcan, welcome. SPOCK: Captain, there are some things which transcend even the KIRK: Mister Chekov, compute course and speed necessary for compliance. KIRK: Bridge. SPOCK: Doctor, please, let me finish. KIRK: Then why'd you do it? ripples clear to the Klingon Empire. Hot as Vulcan. He will not speak with thee again until he when McCoy exits the turbolift.) MCCOY: I doubt it. Let no one interfere. (Everyone stops and stares as he come to his door.) divorce you by the kal-if-fee. AMOK TIME. It would be illogical for us to CHEKOV [on monitor]: I don't understand, Captain. T'PRING: As it was in the dawn of our days, as it is today, as it will KIRK: Spock, I'm asking you. (The bells sound, and both men are given long straps with weights and SPOCK: T'Pring, parted from me and never parted, never and always Now. SPOCK: Ask me no further questions. KIRK: A minute. Bring forth the lirpa. Furthermore, I SPOCK: I shall do neither. And again I would have Stonn shortcuts, either in the article comments your reaction was quite relief... N'T heard a word you 've been most patient with my kinds of madness on... You a thorough physical will have to head directly there at warp Six, have been added Amok. An insanity, which you would free me because I had killed the Captain asked me Spock! Quote being an example very much to be embarrassed about it,.... 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