One really can’t say whether ‘the nurse [was under a legal duty to] have called the ambulance themselves’. You can do this whether you are with them in person or not. In Barnett v Chelsea And Kensington Hospital Management Committee [1969] 1 QB 428 the court was asked to: … determine the duty of those who provide and run a casualty department when a person presents himself at that department complaining of illness or injury and before he is treated and received into the hospital wards. Legally, it is unlikely that the Australian Consumer Law would apply. What to do when someone is in immediate danger. Equally there are problems with asking the call taker to advise the caller of ambulance fees, the caller may not be the person who needs the service and one would not want to discourage people calling an ambulance when they need it or when someone else needs it. If someone has hurt themselves and you think their injuries are life-threatening, call an ambulance on 999. It would not be reasonable to expect that ‘a local rural community hospital’ will have the sort of protocols and processes that one might expect from ‘Health Direct’ if it doesn’t pretend to offer the same sort of service. But the cost can also apply if someone else calls an ambulance for you — even if you refuse service. Questions to be asked would indeed be how did the caller sound on the ‘phone? If not life threatening, consider other options before calling 999. heart attack, stroke, epileptic fit, concussion, syncope). Change ). This could open a can of worms if there was an obligation to call on behalf of the patient. The question then is whether making a phone call is akin to the patient presenting ‘himself at that department complaining of illness or injury’. The costs of ambulance services vary widely too. I would appreciate any thoughts or comments you might have on this. When to call the ambulance: For minor situations like an injury, cut etc., you may head to the ER if it is night-time or after-hours at your doctor’s office. However, it can be a good idea to call an ambulance for non-life-threatening injuries and ailments, too. Examples of such relationships are employer and employee, teacher and pupil, carrier and passenger, shipmaster and crew. The foreseeable risk was that the patient was suffering an cardiac episode and may indeed die without medical intervention such that the nurse suggested he or she should attend hospital. Where the patient is clearly struggling for breath, reporting urgent symptoms, barely able to talk etc. If you are calling from a mobile, they are likely to ask you for the number you are calling on, but this is … Slippery slope otherwise. If you or someone else seems to need an ambulance, don’t hesitate to call 911 or your local emergency services. You can call an ambulance, but it is not an emergency. Within this cross-cutting concept are themes relating to responsibility. Approximately one hour later the patient was found deceased in the hospital car park. Where someone comes into a hospital and tells the staff that ‘someone has collapsed at a house nearby’ we may think calling an ambulance is a reasonable response but that doesn’t mean that there is a legal obligation to call the ambulance and secondly a person collapsed is quite different to a person on a phone reporting a three-day history of symptoms. The nursing staff member who answered the call advised them that they should seek medical advice due to a concern it could be cardiac. May 27, 2020 8.52am EDT Steph Jones , Jo Gibson , University of Central Lancashire Understanding how the process works can make it less intimidating and ensure you get a fast, appropriate response. That case confirmed that there is no general duty to rescue in Australian common law. ( Log Out /  In my judgment, there was here such a close and direct relationship between the hospital and the watchmen that there was imposed upon the hospital a duty of care which they owed to the watchmen. One might think the likelihood that this condition would prove fatal within the hour was, objectively judged at the time of the call, low. We always hope we won't need to call 911 (in the US, Canada, and Mexico, among other countries), 999, 112, 000, or 108 (depending on where you live). If an emergency arises, call the 10-digit number instead of 911. I am aware of situations where a person has presented at the hospital telling the staff that someone has collapsed at a house nearby. An ambulance is required when you or someone else needs medical attention immediately and there is a risk of death. We can apply these principles to the scenario. Here are a few reasons you should consider calling an ambulance for issues like potentially broken bones and concussions. These 10 commonly asked If it is not a life-threatening emergency, consider other options such as calling NHS 111, seeking medical advice from your GP or self-care at home before calling 999 or 112. You did not call, nor need 911 services and did not use them. The nurse advised the patient to call an ambulance or get someone to drive them to hospital. We can call an ambulance on your behalf, if you prefer. When you are waiting for an ambulance. Once you have helped the person in danger access emergency care, there are several ways you can support them. We … After we examine the patient, we will tell you if there is no emergency, and you can take the patient to the doctor or hospital yourself. This concept is about seeking ambulance care on behalf of someone else, and contrasts specifically with the process of seeking ambulance care for oneself. The nurse may be aware that there is a risk to the patient’s health and safety, hence the advice to ‘call an ambulance or get someone to drive them to hospital’ . Remember that the defendant’s conduct has to be judged at the time. And unlike the case in Crimmins, it was not the officers who put Mr Veenstra in harm’s way. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Such an approach is regarded as fundamental to the common law and has as its foundation concepts of causation. I am glad the nurse was not held to task as this is a daily conversation in most states. If you live in Jefferson County, calling for help is easy. There are all kinds of things that can incapacitate someone too quickly for them to make an emergency call (e.g. You can do this whether you are with them in person or not. If you didnt' need an ambulance, you didn't have to get in it. You can call triple zero (000) even if you do not have any credit on your phone. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Calls to triple zero (000) are free. Thus I have no doubt that Nurse Corbett and the medical casualty officer were under a duty to the deceased to exercise that skill and care which is to be expected of persons in such positions acting reasonably …. If the answer be in the affirmative, it is then for the tribunal of fact to determine what a reasonable man would do by way of response to the risk. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. If the phone call does create a professional relationship, the response to the risk need only be reasonable. As for the person collapsed in the car park but who did not ‘enter or push the doorbell seeking assistance’ there would be a duty to provide assistance to them but only once they are discovered. If you yourself are too shocked, hurt or in distress to drive, best to find your phone and call for the emergency helpline instead. The perception of the reasonable man’s response calls for a consideration of the magnitude of the risk and the degree of the probability of its occurrence, along with the expense, difficulty and inconvenience of taking alleviating action and any other conflicting responsibilities which the defendant may have. There is no duty to rescue. When it was suggested that they call an ambulance or arrange a friend to drive them to hospital did they say that they could not do either of those things, either because they were too unwell or otherwise incapable? The passer-by can see there is danger; the passer-by can almost always do something that would reduce the risk of harm. You will need to be able to give a location. You can always call an ambulance anonymously if you wish. Stay on the line until the call taker ends the call. Whether he chooses to go to hospital for assessment or treatment is up to him, unless the paramedics think he is too injured (like unconscious, delerious, etc) to make up that decision in which case they can take him anyway. If this patient has indicated that he or she has heard the advice and will take action why would you impose an ambulance upon them? The fact that the patient did die an hour later is irrelevant. Samaritans in Scotland is a charity registered in Scotland (SC009843) and incorporated as a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. They cost a lot to keep on the road and charge a lot to get you from point A to point B. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. According to a 2012 report by the U.S. Government Accountability Office, an ambulance ride can range from $224 to … Although the case is not directly ‘on point’ there are some relevant observations. I am aware of a recent situation, where a middle-aged person called a local rural community hospital with a three-day history of shoulder, neck and elbow pain. ( Log Out /  Get support as a key worker from Our Frontline, Support groups for people bereaved by suicide, Supporting someone with suicidal thoughts, How to support someone you're worried about, Be there for people who desperately need someone, Take part in an event or fundraise in your own way, Browse our brilliant range of carefully sourced products for every occasion, There are many ways your company can support our work, Less well-off middle-aged men and suicide. And did the nurse have the details necessary such as the patient’s address? Most SOPs at the hospital is to say “see your GP or call an ambulance” . Calling an ambulance on behalf of someone else generates a specific anxiety around prioritisation and urgency. In Wyong Shire v Shirt [1980] HCA 12, Mason J of the High Court said (at [14]): In deciding whether there has been a breach of the duty of care the tribunal of fact must first ask itself whether a reasonable man in the defendant’s position would have foreseen that his conduct involved a risk of injury to the plaintiff or to a class of persons including the plaintiff. 1. What was the degree of probability that it was a life and death matter? People should only ever call Triple Zero (000) to request an ambulance if they have a medical emergency. This can be after a car accident, a fall, a stroke, a heart attack or any other situation that is a threat to life. After calling an ambulance. This is quite different is the risk to a patient in the hospital is the risk of medication error or of falls etc. Was charged about $900 for using the ER and getting an EKG, my insurance paid half so it cost me $450. I know in this situation, calling the ambulance for the patient is the right thing to do. But as noted by Crennan and Kiefel JJ ‘some special relationships may require affirmative action to be taken by one party and are therefore to be excepted from the general rule’ that there is no duty to rescue. Calling a hospital would normalls get you a ward nurse, which, in any case can’t diagnose over the phone. That is not the situation described above. Wasn't charged for the EMT's but the ambulance ride would I … Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. The nurse may be aware that there is a risk to the patient’s health and safety, hence the advice to ‘call an ambulance or get someone to drive them to hospital’ . 3. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Given the risk is foreseeable the next issue what is the magnitude of the risk? If you are, make the situation safe. Otherwise, the nurse will only be able to give general information and direction. The person must also be with you and awake/conscious at the time of your call in order for the nurse to be able to provide triage and specific care advice. Yet there is no general duty to rescue. If we don’t take into account the practitioners assessment of ‘the degree of the probability’ of a poor outcome, we would have to say that every time someone rings a hospital for advice they have to call an ambulance ‘just in case’ and that can’t be reasonable. When it's safe to do so, assess the casualty and, if necessary, dial 999 or 112 for an ambulance. If you have ever been in an emergency situation that threatens your safety, the ability to call an ambulance is very useful. No doubt it can be said that the police officers knew of the particular risk to Mr Veenstra… No doubt it can also be said that they were in a position to control or minimise the occurrence of the observed risk … But considerations of the same kind will almost always be present when a passer-by observes a person in danger. Call 911 if you think you or someone else is experiencing a medical emergency. You can call the ambulance. (Here I’m drawing a parallel to police in a carpark vis-à-vis the duty owed by police to a prisoner in custody and discussed in Stuart v Kirkland-Veenstra, above). To the list given by their Honours there could be added doctor/patient, nurse/patient and hospital/patient. We’d rather be called to help than see someone suffer needlessly. Posts: 1,297 Member. If someone is unwell, never be afraid to pass the problem over to someone else. If I'm talking to someone via Skype, Google Hangouts or similar and something like that happens to them, they can't call an ambulance, but I can raise the alarm if there's a way for me to contact emergency services. I am not aware of any case law on ‘hospitals providing advice to patients over the phone’ but I can comment on the scenario using general principles. That all goes to the assessment of how likely is the poor outcome. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. If someone is injured in an incident, first check that you and the casualty are not in any danger. Some of the content you’re seeing is based on the country you’re browsing from. A review of the CCTV footage after the fact shows the patient approach the front door of the hospital’s emergency entrance but he does not enter or push the doorbell seeking assistance. But just because the ‘[nurse or] passer-by can see there is danger’ and can ‘do something that would reduce the risk of harm’ that does not create a legal duty to take that action. The information on this website may assist you in … First in that case the issue was a duty to protect Mr Veenstra from harm where he was the source of the harm. Ambulances are not usually free. Samaritans is a charity registered in England and Wales (219432) and in Scotland (SC040604) and incorporated in England and Wales as a company limited by guarantee (757372). By being calm and preparing in advance to help, you can save other people's lives. Labor is very rarely the "rush to the hospital and get admitted as the baby is crowning" scenario that is so popular on television. A 3 day sore shoulder etc, can be many things. It is important that you always remember numbers to call in an emergency (depending on your city or country of course). Issues like this all depend on the assessment of the situation at the time of the call, when the person did not know that the patient would be found dead an hour later, and a ‘reasonable’ response to the situation as it presented itself. If you are calling about another person, you must have the consent of that person (unless the person is a minor). Ambulances are not usually free. That doesn’t mean there may not be a duty to call an ambulance (assuming the circumstances did give rise to a therapeutic relationship). ‘Health Direct’ ( does claim to provide ‘24 hour health advice and information you can count on’ so you may expect a different level of service, and protocols for when the telephone staff will take action. One caviat may be, if the person I was talking to, seemed intelligable or I “felt” the caller may pass out during or after the call. If you are concerned about a loved one in another city or state, call the police department in the town where they and get the 10-digit number of their designated PSAP in case of emergencies. Call 116 123 to speak to a trained volunteer. Since it is not an emergency, your insurance might refuse to cover the ambulance transport as well. If it is something less urgent, consider whether it is more appropriate to: See a GP; Contact a relative; Call Nurse on Call on 1300 60 60 24; visit; How to call I turned down the ambulance and had to sign a waiver, then had someone else drive me to the ER. We can start with the case that gets mentioned very often on this blog, Stuart v Kirkland-Veenstra [2009] HCA 15. If someone is having a life-threatening emergency call 999 straight away. Samaritans Ireland is a charity registered in the Republic of Ireland (20033668) and incorporated in the Republic of Ireland as a company limited by guarantee (450409). How much support you offer is up to you. Further the reasonable response to a risk, in this case the risk that the patient may be having a cardiac event, need only be reasonable. Samaritans Enterprises is a private limited company (01451175). or not? The common law generally does not impose a duty upon a person to take affirmative action to protect another from harm. Call triple zero (000) for an ambulance in a medical emergency. Answer very high, it could be life or death. It is only when these matters are balanced out that the tribunal of fact can confidently assert what is the standard of response to be ascribed to the reasonable man placed in the defendant’s position. The person has rung the hospital. Most Canadians feel there should be no charge for an ambulance in a medical emergency, but calling one could cost you more than $500. 98% of emergency calls for strokes are made by someone else – so what if you’re alone in lockdown? Call 106 for the National Relay Emergency Call Service for text-based communication over the phone. My ‘gut’ reaction would be that as a general rule there would be no legal obligation to call the ambulance but my view might change if the hospital did claim to offer a phone in health service and/or the patient was in obvious distress, or ‘in extremis’ whilst on the ‘phone. Making the call for an ambulance can be stressful. What could the nurse have done? The question is was there any reason for the nurse to think that is what would happen. If you didn't get in- fight the charges. The call-taker may ask for your first name, but that is only so they can use it when they are assisting you. “The Application of Criminal Law in Non-Terrorist Disasters and Tragedies – 2018 Edition”, Commandeering private assets in an emergency, Hospital nurse calling an ambulance for someone else, Victorian Paramedics treating patients inside the A+E, Treatment in a Victorian hospital carpark, Federal Parliament passes the Defence Legislation Amendment (Enhancement of Defence Force Response to Emergencies) Bill 2020, Liability for installing, or not, an AED in a retirement community. But just because the ‘[nurse or] passer-by can see there is danger’ and can ‘do something that would reduce the risk of harm’ that does not create a legal duty to take that action. For a child or an elderly person: if they are burned and the burn is severe enough that you think it will need dressing – treat the burn under cool running water and call an ambulance. In deciding whether there is some professional relationship one has to consider that the nurse did not control the risk to the patient. The law draws a distinction between the creation of, or the material increase of, a risk of harm to another person and the failure to prevent something one has not brought about… The common law does recognise that some special relationships may require affirmative action to be taken by one party and are therefore to be excepted from the general rule. ( Log Out /  The first question would be then whether the phone call to the nurse created a nurse or hospital/patient relationship. What to do when someone is in immediate danger. 1. Driving — or having someone else drive — is not always safe. Call 911 for an ambulance and you're likely to have another heart attack when you get the bill. He or she could have called an ambulance but there are conflicting duties in particular respect for patient autonomy. While you are waiting for an ambulance, there are a few things you can do to help the paramedics upon arrival: Assign someone to stay at the door to watch for the … Being present - online, on the phone or in person - and waiting for the ambulance with them can be helpful. The question posed was “should the nurse have called the ambulance themselves if they were genuinely concerned that the patient had a potentially serious problem?”. But why would it be unfair? If in doubt, call 000 and ask for an ambulance. If someone has hurt themselves and you think their injuries are life-threatening, call an ambulance on 999. At [116] Gummow, Hayne and Heydon JJ said: …the police officers did not control the source of the risk to Mr Veenstra as would have been the case if he had been a prisoner in custody. The costs still apply if someone calls one for you. We can dig a bit deeper on that general claim. To determine that question I would want to know whether the hospital holds itself out as providing a phone health service.’ If not one cannot demand that a potential defendant provide a service it in no way claims to provide. And if the patient appeared capable it would be better for them to ring the ambulance so they can relay their sign and symptoms and answer the call taker’s questions. How to Call an Ambulance. Deciding whether or not to call an ambulance is a decision you’ll have to make based on your best assessment of the situation. But a hospital that doesn’t offer a phone in health service may still stand as a stranger to the person who calls. …aware of any situations, issues, case law precedents around hospitals providing advice to patients over the phone. This position has been replaced by a similar, but not identical calculus in modern legislation but the principles are sufficiently similar that considering this list will suffice for our purpose. When your call is answered, BE CALM. A taxi would be a better option. ( Log Out /  Say if I knew a girl who had overdosed or something but they lived in a different place to me, like, across the country or something, if i called an ambulance could they call the one in her area and do anything? You will need to be able to give a location. Call us free, day or night, 365 days a year, Stay on top of our latest news and updates, Keep track of how you're feeling, and get recommendations for things you can do to help yourself cope, feel better and stay safe in a crisis. 3. If the patient can call the hospital then they can call 000. DIAL 9-1-1. If someone has a severe allergic reaction it is important to administer their adrenaline auto injector (if they have one) and then phone an ambulance immediately. If I call an ambulance for someone else...? 1. Here we know that the patient had ‘a three-day history’ of symptoms, was able to call the hospital and presumably have a lucid conversation without too much difficulty. In reality, however, most folks will either themselves experience a medical emergency that requires an ambulance, or witness someone else during a life-threatening moment. But if you got in the ambulance you accepted their services and have to pay for them. It would depend on the nurse’s assessment of the patient’s capacity, the severity of the symptoms, any operating protocols or procedures of the hospital, what information the nurse had about the patient. You can then carry out basic first aid. Nurse advised the patient is clearly struggling for breath, reporting urgent symptoms, barely able to give information! Duty upon a person to take affirmative action to protect Mr Veenstra from harm is up you! First check that you and the casualty and, if you wish the ER and an. 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