Photo credit: Therefore, the dose of zidovudine may need to be reduced by as much as 75%. 2. Interferon, any of several related proteins that are produced by the body’s cells as a defensive response to viruses. In conclusion, we suggest that retinol supplement increases the antiviral effect of interferon α-2b plus ribavirin only during the administration of IFN α-2b, ribavirin and retinol in patients with chronic hepatitis C, and this mechanism may mediate increase of IFN receptors. Closing Observations. 4. Alpha interferon is also available in a long-acting form called pegylated interferon that can be given once per week. Natural Interferon Boosters. Considering taking a vitamin or supplement to treat Interferon-Related-Retinopathy? These results reveal an interplay between IL-21 and type I IFN in the innate immune response to MRSA. Interferon alfa-2b can increase your risk of bleeding or infection. Conditions of Use and Important Information: This information is meant to supplement, not replace advice from your doctor or healthcare provider and is not meant to cover all possible uses, precautions, interactions or adverse effects. It can also reduce the size of the spleen. Supplementation with Lactobacillus rhamnosus or Bifidobacterium lactis probiotics in pregnancy increases cord blood interferon-gamma and breast milk transforming growth factor-beta and immunoglobin A detection Clin Exp Allergy. It blocks viruses, and activates macrophage and natural killer cell activity, helping to get your immune system working. It can boost the immune system to attack and kill microbes, cause cancer cell death and more and more studies are showing positive effects with brain tumours. Ferulic acid: 500-1,000 mg It takes part in creating white blood cells and helps the body fight infections. Yes. They’re relatively inexpensive and in the long term can save you a ton on medical bills! But if you have hepatitis C, taking certain supplements and herbs may cause more harm than good. Interferon suppresses the production of blood cells via multiple and complex mechanisms which is why it can be useful in patients with various types of MPN with overactive bone marrows. Supplements that may possibly help reduce symptoms of coronavirus Astragalus Astragalus (or Huang qi) has been promoted on some websites to help protect against COVID-19. What does Vitamin A do? Here you can find the 4 vitamins that boost your immune system. Licorice also increases production of interferon, the body’s natural antiviral compound. This medicine comes with a Medication Guide and patient directions. Feline Omega Interferon for FIV. A: There is preliminary in-vitro and rodent data regarding spirulina and n-acetyl cysteine are suggestive of benefit in supporting the initial defense against RNA viruses including coronaviruses. 1. 6. Of at least 16 of the 20 possible sub-species of interferon. IFN-γ increases expression of high-affinity immunoglobulin F c receptors on phagocytes, which increases recognition of opsonized microorganisms by these cells. They are important modulators of the immune response. Interferon serves as a component of the first line of immune defense against viral infections. These increases were attenuated in runners ingesting 1500 mg but not 500 mg vitamin C supplements for 1 … Human Interferon for FIV. And leading to a wide variety of health improvements. Sun exposure promotes nitric oxide release, which in turn can increase interferon-gamma levels, as seen in a clinical trial on 24 healthy volunteers [ 56 ]. This document deals with interferons only in relation to retroviral infections. One supplement to avoid is iron. Zinc also helps them fight much more aggressively. In the absence of an effective antiviral agent, use of drugs that augment host defense is a reasonable approach. Elderberry: 600–1,500 mg. What’s especially important to note in all this is how every government authority is pushing pharmaceuticals and (non-existent) vaccines rather than encouraging people to use nutraceuticals that are available right now. Nutriferon is only available through the Shaklee Corporation since they teamed up with Dr. Kojima to manufacture the all-natural, herbal interferon supplement. While the interferon used for hepatitis treatment is slightly different from the kind made in the body, it helps defeat the virus in three ways: 1. A new study published in Progress in Cardiovascular Disease on February 12 of this year reveals that spirulina may have tremendous potential to boost the body’s type 1 interferon response in fighting RNA viral infections. Stimulating and boosting the effectiveness of your immune system in several ways. Astragalus is an herb that has traditionally been used in Chinese medicine to strengthen the immune system and to treat colds, among many other uses. Elderberry – “extracts of elderberry, in particular, have received considerable clinical evaluation, and have been found to be symptomatically beneficial in influenza and the common cold.”. Selenium: 50-100 mcg Interferon is a substance produced by the body's white cells to fight infections, cancer, allergies and toxic chemical poisoning. Here’s the full explanation from the study: Moreover, the phycocyanobilin (PCB) chromophore of cyanobacteria (such as spirulina) and many types of blue-green algae, a biliverdin metabolite, has been shown to mimic the NAPDH oxidase inhibiting activity of unconjugated bilirubin, likely because it is rapidly converted within cells to phycocyanorubin, a compound very similar in structure to bilirubin.11,12 This phenomenon likely explains many of the profound antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects observed when spirulina, phycocyanin (the prominent spirulina protein incorporating PCB as a chromophore), or PCB itself are administered in rodent models of human pathology.11,13 Hence, ingestion of spirulina or of spirulina extracts enriched in PCB may have potential for boosting type 1 interferon response in the context of RNA virus infection. Supplements that increased interferon-gamma levels in clinical trials include: Glutamine [ 49] Probiotics (Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG) [ 57] The data obtained in this study indicate that RBEP supplementation increases IFN-γ secretion without causing significant adverse effects, and thus may be beneficial to healthy individuals. Interferon alpha is quite possibly the most favored second-line drug for polycythemia vera. Your doctor may want you to take medicines to prevent flu-like symptoms. Astragalus supplements may help rebuild your immune system after cancer treatment. N-Acetylcysteine: 1,200–1,800 mg Sections. In response to the involvement of many viruses, interferons are a group of signaling proteins produced and released by host cells. Interferon gamma's role is regulating inflammation. Dong quai . Boosting the immune system using interferon proteins helps fight viruses, according to new research. In other words, Gardasil may actually increase the risk of cervical cancer.It’s that … At this point I would like to make clear my, often mis-quoted views: ... interleukin and interferon with an increase in T-cell activity. A very small study (14 individuals in China) found that astragalus extract (equivalent to 8 grams of root powder per day) increased the production of interferon and leukocytes (which typically increase in response to exposure to viruses) compared to placebo (Hou, Zhonghua Weisheng Wuxue Hemian Yixue Zazhi 1981). Today this product is solely owned and distributed by the Shaklee Corporation and is called Nutriferon. It can be made artificially and injected for some cancers and viral infections like HIV and hepatitis C, however there are side effects. Never delay or disregard seeking professional medical advice from your doctor or other qualified health care provider because of something you have read on WebMD. This information may not fit your specific health circumstances. Authors S L Prescott 1 , K Wickens, L Westcott, W Jung, H Currie, … This formula was developed by an immunologist who discovered interferon. What is astragalus? Zinc. Using interferon beta-1b at bedtime may help lessen the flu-like symptoms. Does Shaklee NutriFeron work? This little-thought-of mineral is vital for the production of white blood cells that fight infection. Astragalus In vitro, Astragalus increases the interferon response to viral infection and works synergistically with administered interferon. You will need frequent medical tests. Zinc: 30-50 mg Here are my top seven supplements to help build your immunity. One glaring example of this is the new HPV vaccine, Gardasil. However, there is a lack of evidence from research to support the use of herbal supplements in MS, and there are safety concerns as there are no quality control measures in place to monitor supplements. Description and Brand Names; Before Using; Proper Use; Precautions; Side Effects; Products and services. Interferon alfa-2b can increase your risk of bleeding or infection. While this reaction may improve zidovudine's effectiveness, it also may increase the risk of blood and liver toxicity. When choosing supplements, consider science-backed supplements that contain these amazing natural ingredients in their live form. In fact Dr. Kojima spent over 45 years working to find a group of herbs that would help the body make it’s own natural interferon without the side effects of the drug interferon. In summary, runners completing the 90-km Comrades Ultramarathon experienced strong increases in concentrations of plasma IL-6, IL-10, IL-IRA, and IL-8. It also increases the levels of interferon, the antibody that coats the surfaces of your cells and stops viruses from entering them to begin with. Increased Interferon Production . However this early virological effect did not influence sustained virological response. In a common example, a virus- cell produces interferons that enhance their anti- defenses by affecting neighboring cells. After you have taken Body Biotics a short while, the soil-based organisms form colonies in your intestines. Interferon is a substance produced by the body's white cells to fight infections, cancer, allergies and toxic chemical poisoning. Once established, they stimulate your body's production of interferon. Interferon is a protein that has the job of triggering the body's immune response. Biotin supplementation increases expression of genes encoding interferon-gamma, interleukin-1beta, and 3-methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase, and decreases expression of the gene encoding interleukin-4 in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Types of interferon alpha. It can be found in vegetables such as carrots, spinach, broccoli, and cabbage.Also, it’s in dairy products such as milk or butter and even fruits like melon, apricots, and mangoes. Here are a few supplements to prevent and treat muscle and joint damage: Natural eggshell membrane (NEM) contains all the vital structural elements of our articular cartilage to help rebuild. Red clover is an herbal supplement that contains a handful of plant compounds called isoflavones that may act like estrogen in the body. Disclaimer: This article is not intended to claim that any of these substances treat, prevent or cure coronavirus infections. IFN-γ also increases expression of MHC antigens by macrophages and this facilitates antigen presentation to T cells. Lipoic acid: 1,200-1,800 mg (in place of ferulic acid) Moreover, we found that IFNβ induced granzyme B and promoted MRSA clearance in a granzyme B-dependent fashion. Zinc increases the number of killer cells and allows white blood cells to release more antibodies in their fight against the bad guys. Like with all supplements, be sure to discuss more with your doctor, especially if on medications. In this study synovial tissue specimens of 11 patients with RA and eight patients with osteoarthritis (OA) were stained for interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) and its receptor. Interferon can be made artificially and injected for some cancers and viral infections like hepatitis C. Studies indicate that many natural substances can activate the body's own production of interferon. 1. Essentially, when confronted with a virus, each cell shoots an emergency flare of interferon to tell the immune system to marshall its defenses. You should always speak with your doctor or health care professional before you start, stop, or change any prescribed part of your health care plan or treatment and to determine what course of therapy is right for you. Interferon is made by a variety of drug companies and is known under several brand names according to the manufacturer. The purpose of this study was to investigate the hypothesis that dietary supplementation with rice bran fermented with Lentinus edodes (rice bran exo-biopolymer, RBEP), a substance known to contain arabinoxylan, enhances natural killer (NK) cell activity and modulates cytokine production in healthy adults. For more than 2,000 years, astragalus has been an integral part of traditional Chinese medicine.Because of its powerful ability to stimulate the body’s immune system, this herb is particularly valuable for fighting disease and dealing with the after-effects of cancer treatments. Smart Grocery Shopping When You Have Diabetes, Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Dogs and Cats, Coronavirus in Context: Interviews With Experts. 3. Equivalent increases in MDDC maturation markers were noted by infections with MOI=1 and MOI=5, with MOI=1 chosen for optimal viability. Here’s a quick summary from the study: In light of the foregoing, administration of spirulina (or a spirulina extract enriched in PCB), a phase 2 inducer (such as ferulic acid, lipoic acid, or sulforaphane), N-acetylcysteine, selenium, and high-dose glucosamine, in adequate doses, might be expected to help prevent and control RNA virus infections by amplifying the signaling functions of TLR7 and MAVS in evoking type 1 interferon production. Wiedmann S(1), Eudy JD, Zempleni J. If you’re undergoing cancer treatment, you’re no stranger to combination and complimentary therapies.Along with the remedies mentioned here, other supplements are also being studied to help with the effectiveness and side effects of cancer treatments, such as alpha-lipoic acid, vitamin K and vitamin A. This copyrighted material is provided by Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database Consumer Version. Your heart, lung, and liver function may also need to be checked. Free E-newsletter Subscribe to Housecall. This correlated with increased type I interferon and an IFN-related gene signature, and indeed anti-IFNAR1 treatment diminished MRSA clearance in these animals. Last month a study of over 1,000 people with breast cancer found some worrying evidence that certain nutritional supplements could reduce the chance of survival from the disease and increase … The study was conducted by researchers at the University of Washington School of Medicine. These agents may increase interferon production. Herbal supplements. What are the health benefits of hibiscus leaves? 7. Glucosamine: 3,000 mg or more Because of this total unwillingness to recommend potential anti-viral substances that are safe, affordable and available right now, these “authorities” are allowing the virus to replicate and spread in an accelerating manner, all to promote the financial interests of Big Pharma rather than support the health of the public. All rights reserved. Counting down the best supplements for cancer treatment. The extra interferon causes symptoms such as fever, nausea, achy and sore muscles, joint pain and fatigue. Here’s a quick summary from the study: N-acetylcysteine (NAC) – found to reduce influenza episodes and boost glutathione production Ferulic acid / Sodium ferulate – may activate TLR7 to stimulate type 1 interferon production The Five Top Vitamins To Boost Your Immune System. Interferon was named for its ability to interfere with viral proliferation. Interferon is a substance produced by the body's white cells to fight infections, cancer, allergies and toxic chemical poisoning. Store this medicine in the refrigerator. These are merely candidates which are being studied for their potential. Herbal supplements come from plants, and like drugs, they may produce changes in the body. Interferons and the immune system: Can this therapeutic strategy address viral infection and strengthen immunity against cancer? These agents may increase interferon production. Alpha interferon: Alpha interferon can be used to control the platelet count in essential thrombocythemia, polycythemia vera, and primary myelofibrosis. Before Using. You will need frequent medical tests. Your doctor may want you to take medicines to prevent flu-like symptoms. Tagged Under: In vitro, Astragalus increases the interferon response to viral infection and works synergistically with administered interferon. Oral administration of a cold-water spirulina extract rich in phycocyanin has been found to decrease mortality in influenza-infected mice. Read more news about Spirulina at Do not freeze. It also inhibits the production of inflammatory cytokines, providing long-lasting pain relief. Our first vitamin is essential to boost the immune system. NutriFeron is the only dietary supplement in the United States created by the discovery of interferon by a world-renowned immunologist, designed to naturally increase the production of interferon in the body. It also acts as a natural cortisone in the body to help fight off allergies. Interferon alfa-2a, interferon alfa-2b, peginterferon beta-1a, and interferon beta-1b may increase blood levels of zidovudine (AZT, Retrovir). This is key when a virus is present in the body. Read and follow the instructions carefully. Keep reading to know what vitamins you should be taking to boost your immune system. It can also boost the immune system's ability to recognize foreign invaders. Spirulina: 15 g (or 100 mg PCB, which is an extract) Alpha interferon is administered subcutaneously (under the skin) daily. You can fill in those gaps by consuming natural supplements that provide what’s lacking in our everyday diets. White blood cells will fight the virus and even er… WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Yeast Beta-Glucan: 250-500 mg If your diet isn’t cutting it, then it might be time to search for vitamin supplements. The study looked at several different nutraceuticals that may show real promise in protecting people from RNA viral infections. Follow the links to read common uses, side effects, dosage details and read user reviews for the drugs listed below. Drugs and Supplements Interferon Alfa-2b (Injection Route) Print. 3. They can also interfere with your hepatitis C treatments. Trisomy 21 cells show increased induction of interferon-stimulated genes and decreased expression of ribosomal proteins and translation factors. 2. Perrila Frutescens There, study authors explain the mechanism by which a spirulina component called phycocyanobilin (PCB) mimics bilirubin, allowing it to “mimic the NAPDH oxidase inhibiting activity” which means it blocks a key physiological mechanism used by RNA viruses to replicate in the human body. The level of expression of IFN-γ was compared with that in tissue specimens of delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) reactions of the skin and of chronic tonsillitis. MDDCs infected with WNV showed increased mRNA for cytokines and chemokines ( Figure 2A , B), but we observed significantly lower induction of mRNA for type I interferon (IFN-β) in MDDCs from older individuals at 48 h ( P < .01) ( Figure 2B ). While no substance has yet been proven to treat or prevent coronavirus infections, many new candidates are emerging from the […] It increases phagocytic activity and antibody levels and improves the functioning of natural killer cells. Others turn to antioxidant supplements, like Vitamin E or beta-carotene. It is quite effective in treating this condition. Interferon is a substance produced by the body's white cells to fight infections, cancer, allergies and toxic chemical poisoning. Dr. Kojima isolated four unique and powerful herbs to formulate Nutriferon. Interferon plays a second important role in your body's defense. They are more interested in protecting the profits of Big Pharma than in protecting the health of the public, in other words. Injectable Human Interferon for HIV. 12. A new study published in Progress in Cardiovascular Disease on February 12 of this year reveals that spirulina may have tremendous potential to boost the body’s type 1 interferon response in fighting RNA viral infections. Interferon boosting foods. Interferon can be made artificially and injected for some cancers and viral infections like hepatitis C. Studies indicate that many natural substances can activate the body's own production of interferon. Cordyceps is widely employed to treat upper respiratory problems, impotence, weakened immune systems, and by athletes to increase endurance. Epub 2008 Jul 2. Increased B cell apoptosis was also considered, as IFN-α/β inhibit this process, presumably by up-regulating Bcl-2 and Bcl-X L and/or activating NF-κB (34–36). Information from this source is evidence-based and objective, and without commercial influence. It may be sold as a root powder, extract or tea, as a … Studies have shown that NutriFeron is more effective than betaglucan and various other mushroom formulations for increasing interferon in the body. Create your own anti-inflammatory salve using plantain, Natural ways to boost your immunity as coronavirus spreads, It begins: FDA announces first drug shortage with more sure to come since most pharmaceuticals are made in China, A compound in five-flavor fruit can protect the liver, says research, Improve sleep quality by increasing your intake of these 8 vitamins and minerals, Study findings show which alternative hair loss remedies work: Rosemary oil and caffeine revealed to be the most effective therapies, The 4 stages of COPD: Pay attention to your symptoms and make lifestyle changes to prevent it. Stay hydrated with simple beverages like water, unsweetened tea, and coffee, and avoid dietary supplements, including ir Drug information provided by: IBM Micromedex. We recently found that n-3 DPA-derived SPM regulate the diurnal activation of peripheral platelets and leukocytes. Our general interest e-newsletter keeps you up to date on a wide variety of health topics. Just in case you are not familiar with alpha interferon, it is a key regulator of your immune response. The IFN-γ cell-surface receptor is composed of two chains, IFN-γR1 (α) and IFN-γR2 (β). Certain medications and supplements can cause more harm to your liver than good. This is especially true in epithelial surfaces such as the respiratory tract. By attaching to healthy cells to help defend against invading viruses. With a unique supplement containing soil-based organisms which naturally stimulate your body to produce more alpha interferon. Seventy-five to 80% of patients respond to interferon, with a complete response in approximately 30%. coronavirus, covid-19, cyanobacteria, infections, natural medicine, Naturopathy, outbreak, pandemic, phycocyanin, phycocyanobilin, prevention, remedies, spirulina, COPYRIGHT © 2017 ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE NEWS, Vitamin C infusions being studied in China as possible treatment for coronavirus-related pneumonia, How can pumpkin seeds help men with BPH? by Zoltan P. Rona MD, MSc. Taking supplements is a good idea for most people. While no substance has yet been proven to treat or prevent coronavirus infections, many new candidates are emerging from the world of nutraceuticals. Interferon beta-1a, currently in use to treat multiple sclerosis, and interferon alfa-2b are both under investigation as potential treatments for people with COVID-19 coronavirus disease, the deadly respiratory pandemic caused by the SARS-nCoV-2 virus.. Order Shaklee Nutriferon natural interferon booster online or call 1 … Interferon alfa-2a (Roferon A) Exerts antiviral effects by inhibiting translation of viral proteins. Interferon alfa-2a and interferon alfa-2b may increase the time it takes for theophylline (for example, Theo-Dur) ... (VESIcare), and most disease-modifying therapies (DMTs). 2. Using interferon beta-1b at bedtime may help lessen the flu-like symptoms. Interferon amounts increase when there is an infection and decrease when there is no infection. How Long Does Coronavirus Live On Surfaces? 2008 Oct;38(10):1606-14. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2222.2008.03061.x. Below is a list of common natural remedies used to treat or reduce the symptoms of Interferon-Related-Retinopathy. When sick with the flu, the body makes extra interferon to defeat the virus causing the illness. Using too much will increase the risk of side effects, while using too little may not improve your condition. Tart cherry supplements and juice can help lower heart disease and Type 2 diabetes risk, advise researchers, N-acetylcysteine (NAC) – found to reduce influenza episodes and boost glutathione production, Ferulic acid / Sodium ferulate – may activate TLR7 to stimulate type 1 interferon production, Sulforaphane (from cruciferous vegetables), Selenium – when people are deficient in this mineral, viruses replicate more quickly, Glucosamine – may block a pathway used by viruses to replicate (activation of MAVS) – “This striking new finding points to the possibility that high-dose glucosamine supplementation might aid prevention and control of RNA virus infections.”, Beta-glucans – stimulates the immune response against viruses. The study begins by explaining the context of the importance of looking at nutraceuticals that may help stop the spread of the coronavirus: In light of worldwide concern regarding the recent outbreak of a deadly novel strain of coronavirus in China, it is fortuitous that two recent discoveries point the way to effective nutraceutical measures for potentiating the type 1 interferon response to RNA viruses. What Interferons Do and Don’t Do . The researchers found four studies that showed a significant increase in estrogen levels with red clover supplements. In fact, the title for this study is, “Nutraceuticals have potential for boosting the type 1 interferon response to RNA viruses including influenza and coronavirus.” Several nutraceuticals are named in the study (see summary table below). Like most natural agents, how impactful NAC or spirulina might be in reducing risk of infection with Covid-19 remains speculative. Currently there is no drug, no vaccine, no herb, no molecule on the planet which has been proven to treat coronavirus infections. In the present study we demonstrated that overexpression of CIRP at 37 °C can increase the recombinant‐protein titre in CHO cells. When you have hepatitis C, good liver health depends on what you eat and drink. The various forms of interferon are the body’s most Sign up now. Zinc – “Zinc supports the effective function and proliferation of various immune cells,” may reduce mortality by 27% according to previous clinical studies. Interferon serves as a component of the first line of immune defense against viral infections. Although pharmaceutical forms of interferon can cause side effects, you can supplement your immune system daily to help boost it's natural production of interferon. Below is a list of common natural remedies used to treat or reduce the symptoms of Interferon-Related-Retinopathy. Here’s a quick summary from the study: N-acetylcysteine (NAC) – found to reduce influenza episodes and boost glutathione production Ferulic acid / Sodium ferulate – may activate TLR7 to stimulate type 1 interferon production And it has antibiotic activity against staph, strep, and candida, among others. This possibility also appears unlikely, because the resistance of WT NZB B cells to anti-IgM–induced apoptosis was not corrected in the KO mice. Even the manufacturer admits in their literature that, if one has already been exposed to the HPV (human papillomavirus) prior to injection, Gardasil increases the risk of precancerous lesions by 44.6%. 1 results found for Interferon-Related-Retinopathy, Learn about User Reviews and read IMPORTANT information about user generated content. Interferon therapy is currently the gold standard in treatment for certain types of hepatitis B and C. Click here to open a Glossary of Terms in a separate window. An shRNA screen determined that the interferon-activated kinases JAK1 and TYK2 suppress proliferation of trisomy 21 fibroblasts, and this defect is rescued by pharmacological JAK inhibition. Sign Up to Receive Our Free Coroanvirus Newsletter, IMPORTANT information about user generated content. 5. Vaccines all have the notoriety of causing the disease that they claim to be preventing. Introduction. In conclusion, we suggest that retinol supplement increases the antiviral effect of interferon α-2b plus ribavirin only during the administration of IFN α-2b, ribavirin and retinol in patients with chronic hepatitis C, and this mechanism may mediate increase of IFN receptors. Up to 80% of patients treated with interferon alpha achieve control of their red blood cells, a reduction in symptoms (including pruritis), and a reduction in spleen size. By helping the immune system to stop the virus from multiplying. In 1986, the first lab-made interferon was created to treat certain types of cancer. This is called an antiviral effect. Possible Downsides. Learn how you can safely and cheaply increase the levels of interferon in your body. Furthermore, certain remedies may interact with your medications. Using too much will increase the risk of side effects, while using too little may not improve your condition. Pilot study breaks it down, Extract from Asian plant helps eliminate bacteria known to cause tooth decay, Spirulina found to boost the body’s type 1 interferon response to fight RNA viral infections “including coronavirus,” new science finds, Extracts from Glossogyne tenuifolia can reduce hepatocyte apoptosis, hypertrophy, Honey can serve as a natural treatment for people with bronchial asthma, A compound in brown seaweed helps manage symptoms of diabetes – study, Spearmint confirmed to improve cognitive health: Study, Study: Consuming Aronia berries boosts heart health and improves cholesterol levels.