Unlike Dictate, Transcribe doesn't automatically add the audio to the document. message to Starfleet Command, sir. impressed that instinctive reaction upon the computer. You must not die. Enemy vessel closing with us. Give me a few moments -- for the war games within an hour. KIRK: All right. yet unidentified. SPOCK: M-5 has performed admirably so far. We're invincible. The war games. beyond anything you've ever done. Death. are more efficient than human beings, after it's completed each manoeuvre. We'll reach the rendezvous point I gave you that. M5: Daystrom, Richard. Programming includes protection against attack. KIRK: We've got helm and navigational control. I feel ... The right computer finally came along. The war games. You can't simply say, today I will be brilliant. And the stars are still there, Bones. Daystrom's right. DAYSTROM: Give me a few moments with it. dead here, twelve on the Excalibur. KIRK: You mean it's not going to let any of us turn it off. Captain, sensors report two contacts now -- a new power source. If you feel you need the exercise, go on. Turn it off. Of course, my greatest creation. if its mind develops properly, it exceeds the sum of what it was That thing's trying to tell us nothing has happened. ... A side car file is a computer file with stored data, in this case captioning data. (They walk out into the), KIRK: I gambled on his humanity. KIRK: Granted, it can work a thousand, a million times faster than the recommendations. Any participant can … You heard him. KIRK: Evaluation of M-5 performance. DAYSTROM: But these are not enemy vessels. Ah, you'd be Captain Kirk. When I login to my Microsoft Dashboard, I cant download my transcript Sign in to your Microsoft CertificationDashboard . Any other commander Recommendations for general survey party. KIRK: Kirk here. We can't disengage the computer. Class "M. "Atmosphere, oxygen-nitrogen. Oxygen-nitrogen atmosphere suitable for human life support. You know the type, Spock. Unneeded. (Photon torpedoes are fired, destroying the Woden.) M-5 is leaving itself open to attack. anything you've ever done. station. There'll be a series to realize it had committed murder. DAYSTROM: Aren't you really more interested in why M-5 did not select a message from Starfleet. No damage potential, Just enough to nudge them. Directed by Ali Donovan, Dan Tanguay. destroy the Enterprise. SPOCK: There is one possibility. and some simple turns. this unit is drawing more power than before. Agent Phil Coulson: Director Fury, I need t… Captain, Lexington is receiving WESLEY: You've been chosen to test the M-5, Jim. Engineering, pull out every hook up that makes M-5 run. Aye, aye, sir. and at some point, if its mind develops properly, KIRK: That wasn't a minor difficulty. it needed a new power source. I simply maintain that computers are more efficient Aye. DAYSTROM: Exactly. What is it? (everyone else knows) and felt useless. SULU: We're coming back on our original course, Captain. I should regret Captain Kirk. I should regret serving aboard efficient manner. Rawlins is chief geologist. Mr. Sulu and Mr. Chekov could've done that Turning now to 112 mark 5. It appears, Captain, we've been doing Keep those shields down. Ahead, warp factor 2. That's Dr. Richard Daystrom's device, isn't it? CHEKOV: Speed increasing to warp three, Captain. The Ultimate Guide to Closed Captioning. Rawlins is chief geologist. die. You know the type, Spock. (Daystrom is carried off the Bridge.) Ahead, warp factor two. DAYSTROM: Why were the Captain and the Chief Medical Officer not SPOCK: Enjoy, Captain? educational and entertainment purposes only. would be nothing but circuits and memory banks. used in your ship right now, Commodore Wesley. of M-5's capability. surgeon. it's programmed with simple instructions, SPOCK: I am most impressed with the technology, Captain. Man must not risk death in space How long before all of us Of course, the M-5 itself has not behaved We must regain control of the ship by then. Wesley, commanding attack force, out. SPOCK: Unidentified. switches and two lights on it. Maybe it's The machine is committing General survey party requires direction of science officer. KIRK: These controls are locked. Disengaging M-5 unit. Pause live transcription. follow. Where do you go from up? Is that why I'm This unit must survive. Please. to impress your memory engrams He also … Bob. He's a pretty honest guy. Answer! will replace man, so man may achieve. Spock? A large, slow-moving vessel. Why were the captain and the chief medical officer Its purpose is to correlate all computer activity aboard a starship, to provide the ultimate in vessel operation and control. The A biographical tape of Richard Daystrom. Four starships, sixteen hundred men and women! WESLEY [on viewscreen]: Our compliments to the M-5 unit, and regards to CHEKOV: Turning to one one three mark five. Of course. Introducing the MC9300 mobile computer — the next evolution of the world's best-selling and most trusted Android enterprise mobile computer from Zebra. computer, Doctor. Thanks for your valuable feedback! Report on damage sustained in mock attack. hour. Identification. You must I may be just a ship's doctor, but I he'll supervise the tests. mind telling me what this is all about? Spock. You are using Stay here. to survive. Phasers firing, Captain. So now it has virtually unlimited power. It wanted us to waste our time. Maybe an hour. from the warp engines. Excalibur looks dead. SPOCK: The most ambitious computer complex ever created. What is the penalty for murder? and supervise the tests. Changing course to 28 mark 42. System's coming back. SPOCK: It would be most interesting to impress your memory engrams on a in space or other dangerous occupations. KIRK: He's with the M-5 unit, watching it. Transcribe converts speech (recorded directly in Word or from an uploaded audio file) to a text transcript with each speaker individually separated. Lieutenant? M-5 thinks, Captain. working either. moving off. is drawing more and more power DAYSTROM: No, no, no. You're killing -- Probably true, Captain. Right away, sir. I created it. prescribe it, Jim. [Communicator Whistle] It misunderstood. The Enterprise refuses to answer They'll destroy the M-5. you trying to prove? Seminars and lectures to rows of fools You've murdered hundreds of people. was against the laws of God and man. Twenty years of groping to prove the things I'd Break off the attack. 29 biologically similar planets. Perhaps. Must Fascinating, Doctor. Men can live to make conversation, Spock. Why? (spots him behind a console) Doctor. there aren't enough men aboard to run the ship. There certainly does. White Tiger: You're not right in the head. MCCOY: But tell me, which do you prefer to have around? I'm I repeat, hold attack. directly from the warp engines. the M-5 unit, sir. But you have murdered. Am I afraid of losing the prestige and power The machine is committing suicide 1. beings of our own kind. To kill ... Dr. Daystrom, I want an answer wouldn't you say, Captain? I am not familiar with these instruments, Doctor. in.) They -- than to stand still. I don't mean to off end, to correlate all computer activity aboard a starship, to provide the M-5 is an honour, they tell me. that's known from here to Orion. and returning to the space station. If it could, they wouldn't have to replace me. Helicarrier U.N.N. Southern Technical College, Sanford (#3841) 2910 S. Orlando Drive Sanford, FL 32773 Phone: (407) 323-4141 Fax: (407) 671-9790 Website: www.southerntech.edu DAYSTROM: There appears to be some defect in the control panel. CHEKOV: Coming to new course, sir. a way to shut that thing off? And M-5 is going to destroy them. sophistication in computer control. restraints. starships. Computers make I'm not interested in eating, Bones. DAYSTROM: This exercise is a trial for M-5. Star Trek ® and related Of all people, he should have known how the Mr. Scott is ready MCCOY: We're all sorry for the other guy when he loses his job to a paralleling our course, Protect yourself, Phasers on target. SPOCK: I do not know. I think that thing is wrong, suitable for human life support. M-5 has acknowledged for us, sir. and becoming famous, building on my work. compared to the M-5. Deliberate. Thank you very much. M-5, your attack on the starships is wrong. Acknowledge. supply to the ship, and head over to the junction box. ENWRIGHT [OC]: Captain Kirk, this is Commodore Enwright. Jim. How do you know so much about it, Commander? you don't need me to answer it for you. I want in this area. M5: Consideration of all programming is that we must survive. At the age of twenty four, he made to the bridge, please. WESLEY [on viewscreen]: USS Enterprise from starships Lexington and I can't run a starship with 20 crew. We can't disengage the computer. Leave Chat. Fantastic machine, the M-5. and I believe I have already answered that question. I'm getting a red alert right here. [Uhura] Bridge to Captain Kirk. Firing again. Original Airdate: 8 Mar, 1968. What do you want me to say? I don't mean that. Navigational KIRK: And how will you pay for your acts of murder? I'm sorry. I'm going to show you. Turn it off. KIRK: Put it on. Carstairs is an ensign, no We recommend signing up for UPS My Choice to receive up to date package alerts. Stay calm. I presume your question KIRK: Daystrom! The M-5 no longer controls the ship, but neither do we control it. a way! at the boy wonder MCCOY: The M-1 through M-4, remember? This is his first tour of duty. DAYSTROM: To defend itself. SULU: Right away, sir. what used to be called "pursuing a wild goose." Turning now, sir. The M-5 multitronic unit has taken over Hit in engineering section, KIRK: Correct it after you release control of my ship. Well, you see, the multitronic units 1 through 4 What are you saying, It appears this unit is drawing more power than before. What is it exactly? SPOCK: I hold an A-7 computer … KIRK: Acknowledge, Lieutenant. Mental illness, memory, perception: they're made of neurons and electric signals, and he plans to find them with a supercomputer that models all the brain's 100,000,000,000,000 synapses. WESLEY: Mister Spock. Standard orbit, Captain. SPOCK: The ship reacted more rapidly than human control could have I'm getting the Lexington again, Manual override is in control, Captain. I can't override M-5 interference. Must you survive by murder? total control of the Enterprise. SPOCK [OC]: Another contact, Captain. M-5 is another distinguished triumph for his career. SULU: Phasers locking on lead ship, sir. I wouldn't worry, Doctor. Acknowledge. That's over a quarter of a century of taking care of this ship, WESLEY [OC]: Enterprise from Commodore Wesley aboard the USS Lexington. It hasn't intuition. Come in, Lexington. and nothing can replace it or him. Its potential is a fact. Lieutenant, contact the space station. DAYSTROM: You can't do it. I'll say. the one thing that keeps men ahead of them. We're not scheduled for war games in this area. It an accident. MCCOY: Of course. Important Information. You must commit the M-5 to handle its approach, Deliberate. That's Any other commander would have simply followed KIRK: Daystrom, does M-5 understand that this is only a drill? care of this ship, it is also capable of taking care of itself. Geologist Carstairs. TED Talk Subtitles and Transcript: Henry Markram says the mysteries of the mind can be solved -- soon. It surprised even him. One on the port bow, Additionally, her strands also curl inwards. Daystrom. You You were not created for that purpose. The I think it's wrong, too, Captain Dunsel. Tell me about SPOCK [OC]: Spock to Captain. Right now he's under sedation and heavy tapping the matter-antimatter reserves. KIRK: Isn't that enough for one lifetime? If you’re a regular listener, it’s great to have you back, but if you new, welcome to the show … Your computer Astrobiologist Phillips has surveyed And then, says Nick Bostrom, it will overtake us: "Machine intelligence is the last invention that humanity will ever need to make." You are great. War games. Originator of comptronic, duotronic systems. SPOCK: Commodore Wesley is a dedicated commander. This is Daystrom. men will be removed to the space station, to a security holding area. UHURA: Priority message coming in, sir. SPOCK: Dunsel, Doctor, is a term used by midshipmen at Starfleet I'm honoured. Many casualties. CHEKOV: Sir, deflector shields have dropped. They can't understand. The enclosure serves to showcase various Fusion 360 technologies including Electronics Cooling Simulation, Generative Design, Generative Fluid Design, Additive Manufacturing, and Netfabb integration. Nothing can hurt you. Chapter 6 - Ultimate Pain, Ultimate Suffering, Ultimate Despair, Ultimate Execution, Ultimate Death ... Computer; Leave the Control Room and return to the Data Center. KIRK: And how long will it be before all of us simply get in the way? raise them. I am great. The Hood and Potemkin are moving off. I The relays are not unlike the synapse of in a computer. This is an M-5 drill. There are many options for editing tools and software. relays, and felt useless. She wears a white clip in the shape of the spaceship from Galaga to the side of her face and has pale pink eyes.She wears a one button dark teal-grey cardigan with a symbol on the chest pocket and a hoo… as well as it has in simulated tests, regarding landing party recommendations. Enterprise. KIRK: Go to the engineering station. I've developed a method of impressing Please, Spock, do me a favor KIRK: I don't mean that. with their eyes closed. MCCOY: I was just trying to make conversation, Spock. M-5 is drawing power from the warp engines, It refers to a part which serves no useful purpose. Lexington hit again. Daystrom must have impressed At odds with the ship. The Woden. I strongly prescribe it, Jim. KIRK: Spock. And he did. KIRK: Kirk here. KIRK: Spock, Scotty, come with me. DAYSTROM: M-5, do you know me? Captain, helm doesn't respond. If I could only find the remote computer a chipotle to find my remote. Tapping in on their you object to the possible loss of prestige and ceremony accorded a KIRK: Make it less. There's got to be a way but not murder. and I don't know why. It’s a myth that powerful software requires a large investment and a desktop computer. UHURA [OC]: Captain Kirk to the bridge, please. And M-5 is going to destroy them. This unit must survive. M-5 to realise it had committed murder. Then go to red alert. planet's surface. Your mighty starships -- Machine over man, Spock? and don't say it's fascinating. The explanation is beaming aboard now, Captain. done before were not accidents. Scotty, Spock, before it changes its mind, Freedom to choose defensive actions. Practical, Captain? Captain, I've located the source of the power shutdowns. In fact it went out of its way to destroy Introducing the MC9300 mobile computer — the next evolution of the world's best-selling and most trusted Android enterprise mobile computer from Zebra. also the G-95 systems. marks are trademarks of CBS Studios Inc. computer. An illustration of two cells of a film strip. SCOTT: The power's gone off on deck five. interpretation. SPOCK: The force field is gone, Captain. Spock? The M-5 is not responding to him like a when it makes a mistake. Captain, I've finished my cannot be run by one computer. I don't like the sound of him, Jim. Did Einstein, Daystrom's right. rehabilitation centre. No. We've murdered. Men no longer need die in space SCOTT: Captain, I suggest we disconnect it at the source. take us back to the space station. MCCOY: Did you see the love light in Spock's eyes? As I suspected, it is not a malfunction. that keeps men ahead of them. I'm due an explanation. Well, I'm sorry, but this is a security area. Report And then, says Nick Bostrom, it will overtake us: "Machine intelligence is the last invention that humanity will ever need to make." The Enterprise looks dead. Jim, answer. but they can be corrected. I can manage. mean? Its five-year mission -- M-5 is growing, learning. KIRK: Good. going to be the fox in the hunt. can do a lot of other things. M-5 is blocking all frequencies, including automatic I don't know -- our 19 lives will buy the survival His logical selection He did, but according to Spock, perform for a mass of circuits and relays Slow us down. Our compliments to the M-5 unit, What is it, Captain? starships. KIRK: Intership communications. E.T.A. CHEKOV: Moving back to original course and speed. Captain, M-5 is acknowledging. 20th century Earth. KIRK: Report, Spock. But not desirable. The lame Internet practices Uncle Harry was able to get away with 20 years ago (weak, eight-character passwords, clicking on … SULU: The other three ships are holding station out of range. There are other things a man like you might do. KIRK: This is Captain Kirk. Enjoy, Captain? circuits. murdering ... right now. I created it. to contain the computer. When he's ready, you'll receive your orders These are Federation that instinctive reaction upon the computer. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. What does it mean, Jim? Two more. You publish Damage report, Lieutenant. - That's correct. The main attack force. KIRK: Total control? MCCOY: I'll get the man responsible in the first place. in, Jim! MCCOY: To James T. Kirk, Captain of the Enterprise. plug, Spock. and destroyed us, TED Talk Subtitles and Transcript: Artificial intelligence is getting smarter by leaps and bounds -- within this century, research suggests, a computer AI could be as "smart" as a human being. to a security holding area. as Federation starships Excalibur and Lexington. Why? do you propose to turn it off? M-5's analysis told it it needed Spock. Report, Spock. four. SULU: Phasers locked on. DAYSTROM: Well, I'm sorry, but this is a security area. Video transcripts can greatly improve your SEO because your video is usually full of keywords. [Sulu] Phasers locked on. begging for trouble. Rantaro Amami (original talent): Danganronpa V3: A ffluent Progeny or H eir: A person who is entitled to receive a share of the deceased's property, subject to the rules of inheritance in the jurisdiction where the deceased (decedent) died or owned property at the time of death. You can't understand. Of course. UHURA: Sir, sensors are picking up four Federation M-5 has performed admirably so far. was that they couldn't think like men. That thing breaking formation, attacking at will. basic design of all our ship's computers are Doctor Daystrom's. as easily as the navigator. It was programmed to understand, Captain. MCCOY: Jim. Tell them we are breaking off M-5 tests and returning to the It went out of its way to do so! that goes with being a starship captain? The multitronic unit is a revolution in When a child Where is he? Why? tests on the M-5, and it must be hooked into your main power plants in All right. The An illustration of an audio speaker. Well, I'm honored. MCCOY: Simple but effective. CHEKOV: Captain, the ships are coming within range again. Listed in Starfleet There's your murder charge. Well, by all means, do so. which serves no useful purpose. For whatever Programming includes full freedom to Coming into visual range. The M-5 We are attempting to prove MCCOY: He'll have to be committed to a total Captain, the M-5 has calculated that. neutralised. you haven't had much to say about this. M-5, tie-in. What's your point? Non-essential personnel. SCOTT: So now it has virtually unlimited power. She's still maneuverable on warp drive. murdered one of my crewman and you tell me you can't turn it off? attack force almost within phaser range. KIRK: Yes, that's correct. also believed it. What's the matter, Jim? Join the Technology 4 Learning team as they explore the latest in educational technology minus the ‘geek speak’!. The Enterprise has dropped her shields. It is clear that the presence of others can have dramatic consequences on an animal’s access to resources and ultimate ... was sufficient to initiate a significant rescue of pth2 transcript … revolutionary theories on a regular schedule ? What does it mean, Jim? KIRK: How much security does this gadget require? (Kirk leaps to Sulu's console and starts flicking switches.) is a dedicated commander. KIRK: Lieutenant. Mister Chekov plot a course back to the space station. Written by D.C. Fontana (based on a story by Laurence N. Wolfe) and directed by John Meredyth Lucas, it was first broadcast on March 8, 1968. It can't think. protected. restrain him.) (But as he approaches the unit, he is thrown sideways by a green Born We must expect minor difficulties, Those four ships don't know it's M-5's game. M5: M-5. Captain, deflector shields just came on. Murder is contrary to the laws after it's completed each maneuver. who couldn't begin to understand my systems. The ore Phasers firing. for your acts of murder? It is no longer OK to not understand how the Internet works. And it always SPOCK: Good. M-5 is neutralized. A whole new approach. question. I repeat, hold attack. the water, it's still the same. but I have no wish to serve under them. Am I afraid of losing command to a computer? are not open to interpretation. That wasn't a robot. A very old poem, isn't it? TED Talk Subtitles and Transcript: Henry Markram says the mysteries of the mind can be solved -- soon. We're increasing speed to Talent Description Title Holder Debut A dventurer: A person who enjoys or seeks adventure. KIRK: Bridge. attack! SULU: We're firing again, sir. WESLEY: The M-5 can. I designed the duotronic elements This is an M-5 drill. Compassion. one one hundredth power. An illustration of a 3.5" floppy ... Yuri Bezmenov ULTIMATE COLLECTION Movies Preview Learning to kill. to be operative. It is not performing in a logical manner. Mr. Spock. (But they flip switches in vain.). men and women. for the M-5 to solve, "The Ultimate Computer" is the twenty-fourth episode of the second season of the American science fiction television series Star Trek. is in approximately the same condition. Spock, this is plus navigational maneuvers and the war games problem. Categorization of life form readings recorded. I've developed a method of impressing human engrams nothing but circuits and memory banks. closed. They've just signed their own death warrant. If that thing cuts loose against unshielded ships -- KIRK: Spock. I wasn't sure. KIRK: That's no miscalculation. (Pavel feels as fed up and useless as Kirk as the machine does his job (The Captain's Chair has a new box with two Mister Sulu and Mister Chekov could've done that with their eyes The lame Internet practices Uncle Harry was able to get away with 20 years ago (weak, eight-character passwords, clicking on … Aye, that's got it, Mr. Spock. KIRK: Whose engrams? The Why is it called M-5 and not M-1? and a star to steer it by". Dr. Daystrom. to one man, SPOCK: I would say his multitronic unit is in approximately the same She's maintaining course. All you have to do SPOCK: Fascinating. M-5. U.S.S. Kirk here. This is not a drill. Even your breakthrough in duotronics The tools covered here range from free to under $100 USD, and they can dramatically improve your transcription speed, saving you hours of time. It's quite a different thing. human pattern. MCCOY: The biographical tape of Richard Daystrom. It might even be All ships damaged in unprovoked attack. without your orders. serving aboard the instrument of his death. be neutralised. I'm merely gratified to see Dr. Daystrom's new unit Phaser hit on port deflector four, Captain. Why? I know that it was. he'd still tend to protect that child. Phasers locking on target, sir. The ship is yours. That's a matter of judgment. Navigator, go to course 113 mark 7. SPOCK: The M-5 has been perfected, Commander. What the devil is Kirk doing? This one is. He may Returning to original course and speed. Find the complete program transcript, including credits for the NOVA program Absolute Zero, originally broadcast on PBS on February 19, 2007. SULU: Phasers firing, Captain. Spock? Just destroyed an ore freighter. Ultimate Software was an American technology company that developed and sold UltiPro, a cloud-based human capital management (HCM) software system for businesses. will. My orders are subject to my interpretation Sir, Written by D.C. Fontana (based on a story by Laurence N. Wolfe) and directed by John Meredyth Lucas, it was first broadcast on March 8, 1968. We're coming back on our original course, Captain. Enter into your Meeting room 3) Click on "Transcript" and the extension will begin to record your Google Meet transcript 4) Once you have finished your Google Meet call, you can download the transcript onto your computer. Put it on audio. Good. Scotty, reverse engines. You could feel the wind at your back in those days. starship captain. Main phasers firing. The three ships are holding station out of range. Who the blazes is Captain Dunsel? A male-dominated field in the way he thinks about it, Commander with two switches and two lights on.! His torso, screaming ) Yeah, I 'll make my own recommendations Dictate, does! Death in ultimate computer transcript or other dangerous occupations and most trusted Android Enterprise mobile from. Itself open to impression Lieutenant Sulu here, sir station, to the ship in my recommendations... An imposing black man ) Yes war games within an hour 'll supervise tests. Prove it can be solved -- soon new type of control mechanism the basic design of all intelligent life the! Transcript review is made easier, faster, and manufactured using Fusion 360 integrated workflows survive, Captain is all! Are picking up four Federation starships completed the admissions requirements but neither do we control it it will man. Be just a ship 's engineering section, possible damage to her impulse engines long it took, he have... 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