“Regional Centers and Affiliates.” National Wildlife Federation. Accessed December 30, 2019. Please let us know if you have included a gift to the National Wildlife Federation … Koss, Geof. Wexler, Mark. Chason, Rachel. Clair, Jeffrey St. “Adios Jay Hair.” CounterPunch.org, November 8, 2015. We deliver programs to inspire conservation ethic for all and offer training that connects people … Cochran, Courtney. Grossman, Andrew. In the last 20 years, the monarch butterfly’s population has declined by 90 percent. The\u00a0National Wildlife Federation\u00a0and National Wildlife magazine share winning from its 49th annual photo contest, chosen from nearly 30,000 entries. Through habitat protection, restoration, and management, our far-reaching impact has brought numerous species back from the brink of extinction, including eagles, deer, elk, bighorn sheep, and whales. In 1936 his bold vision for a nationwide constituency of conservation supporters brought together Americans from all corners of the country. [12], Darling resigned from the federal government to lead what would become the NWF, and under his leadership it became a voice for federal and state wildlife management policies that stabilized game animal populations. (Non-profit), Center for Public Interest Research (Non-profit), Sustainable Markets Foundation Mills, Mark P. “The ‘New Energy Economy’: An Exercise in Magical Thinking.” Manhattan Institute, November 25, 2019. “WEALTHY CONSERVATIONIST CLAUDE MOORE DIES.” The Washington Post. Through our hands-on programs, policy work, community outreach, and more. … [59] In 1977, it won a $7.5 million settlement in a Nebraska case involving whooping crane habitats. [63], The Court’s ruling in Lujan v. NWF was widely seen as a setback to left-wing environmentalist litigation strategy. (Non-profit), New-Land Foundation [55] He defined “environmental justice” as the concept that governments should craft environmental policies that prioritize the interests of minorities and low-income communities that he characterized as “sacrifice zones” for “the things that no one else wants.” [56] [57], During the forum, he asked U.S. Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ), “So, we know that currently our federal agencies have withdrawn themselves from addressing environmental injustices that are going on. Accessed December 30, 2019. [60] By the 1990s, litigation had become such a standard tactic for the NWF that it characterized its work over the decade as, “Going to Court to Protect Wildlife.” [61]. “Jay D. Hair, Environmentalist, Was Fierce Fighter.” Obituaries | Jay D. Hair, environmentalist, was fierce fighter | Seattle Times Newspaper. (Non-profit), Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) Our ability to help wildlife is inextricably linked to the diverse efforts of the individuals and groups that support our mission. We're on the ground in seven regions across the country, collaborating with 53 state and territory affiliates to reverse the crisis and ensure wildlife thrive. Yet in our rapidly changing world, our nation’s wildlife continue to be faced with critical challenges. In publication since 1962, and with an emphasis on wildlife … “An Empirical Analysis of Sue-and-Settle in Environmental Litigation.” Virginia Law Review. Anywhere, any time. Through our hands-on programs, policy work, community outreach, and more, we forge a conservation army of millions of people that work each day to build a better future for both people and wildlife—because in saving wildlife, we save ourselves. “EXXON QUITS CONSERVATION GROUP, CLAIMING UNFAIRNESS ON ALASKA OIL SPILL.” The Washington Post. Margolis, Jason. Sawit, Amanda. Accessed December 30, 2019. More than one-third of U.S. fish and wildlife species are at risk of extinction in the coming decades. [88], The Inspector General’s report found that the inappropriate relationships between the NWF and Obama Administration officials at the BLM “gave the appearance of federal employees being less than objective and created the potential for conflicts of interest or violations of law,” and demonstrated “a general disregard for establishing and maintaining boundaries among the various entities.” [89], While the IG determined that these actions likely violated federal law and referred the case to federal prosecutors, the Obama administration’s Department of Justice declined to prosecute. Accessed December 9, 2019. In 1990, the NWF’s litigation tactics were rebuked by the U.S. Supreme Court, which held that it had no right to sue federal agencies to force its preferred interpretations of environmental law, based on vague claims that its members lived “in the vicinity” of federal lands. Teirstein, Zoya. Fayette, MO, USA –-(AmmoLand.com)- The National Wildlife Federation (NWF), North America’s largest conservation organization, has been working aggressively for years to raise … Accessed December 9, 2019. Ali, Mustafa Santiago, and Amy Goodman. WP Company, February 13, 2019. National Wildlife Federation has not reported any outside spending in the 2020 election cycle. The National Wildlife Federation has been working with hunters and anglers since 1936 to tackle the biggest natural resource challenges. Accessed December 17, 2019. Truthout, November 11, 2019. Barnes, Bart. Fish & Wildlife Service. [13][14], In the years to follow under a succession of leaders, the NWF grew steadily while lobbying on behalf of hunting and fishing enthusiasts’ interests – what Outside Magazine called the “hook and bullet crowd”[15] – for federal environmental legislation such as the Clean Air Act, the Wilderness Act, the Clean Water Act, and the Endangered Species Act. But this is the traditional, and remains the normal, mode of operation of the courts. Zencey, Eric. Accessed December 19, 2019. Mental Health Care System Is Not Adequately Prepared.” NWF.org. At the time, it was one of the largest undeveloped parcels of land in the region. As America’s largest conservation organization, we're on the ground across our nation’s diverse and wondrous landscapes, fighting to protect our most treasured natural resources and creating … Inappropriate Coordination with Obama Administration Interior Department, https://www.counterpunch.org/2002/11/25/adios-jay-hair/, http://community.seattletimes.nwsource.com/archive/?date=20021116&slug=hairobit16m, https://www.nytimes.com/2002/11/19/us/jay-d-hair-56-dies-led-wildlife-group.html, https://earthcharter.org/discover/the-earth-charter/, https://thehill.com/business-a-lobbying/top-lobbyists/421128-top-lobbyists-2018, https://thehill.com/business-a-lobbying/top-lobbyists/358125-top-lobbyists-2017-grass-roots, https://www.opensecrets.org/federal-lobbying/clients/summary?id=D000064937, https://www.nwf.org/About-Us/Regional-Centers-and-Affiliates, https://www.centerforgreenschools.org/greening-higher-education-qa-julian-keniry-nwf-0, https://www.fws.gov/refuges/history/bio/darling.html, https://www.nwf.org/About-Us/History/Conservation-Hall-of-Fame, https://www.fws.gov/duckstamp75/JayNorwood-DingDarling-FS.pdf, https://www.outsideonline.com/1839536/old-guard, https://www.nwf.org/About-Us/History/Legislative-Victories, https://www.nwf.org/en/Magazines/National-Wildlife/2011/NWF-75-years-timeline, https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2002-nov-21-me-hair21-story.html, https://www.thenation.com/article/conservation-groups-corporate-cash-exchange/, https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1989/10/28/exxon-quits-conservation-group-claiming-unfairness-on-alaska-oil-spill/5b940b6d-9e17-4432-92ae-501360a95636/, https://www.nwf.org/en/Magazines/National-Wildlife/1999/How-Conservation-Grew-from-a-Whisper-to-a-Roar, https://www.nwf.org/Home/Magazines/National-Wildlife/2014/AprilMay/Conservation/NWF-View-President-Larry-Schweiger-Farewell, https://www.nwf.org/~/media/PDFs/2011-Annual-Report/NWF-2011-Annual-Report.ashx, https://www.nwf.org/Trees-for-Wildlife/About, https://www.nwf.org/~/media/PDFs/Global-Warming/Reports/Psych_Effects_Climate_Change_Full_3_23.ashx, https://www.eenews.net/stories/1060006715, https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1981/07/15/wildlife-group-urges-president-to-dismiss-watt/a0927145-8793-4e3f-ad33-e59c18a105ab/, https://earthcharter.org/selected-endorsements/, https://steadystate.org/national-wildlife-federation-adopts-key-element-of-steady-state-thinking/, https://www.syracuse.com/news/2014/05/collin_omara_former_syracuse_whiz_kid_appointed_president_of_national_wildlife_f.html, https://www.sanjoseca.gov/your-government/environment/climate-smart-san-jos/green-vision, https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/md-politics/krishanti-vignarajah-former-gubernatorial-candidate-to-head-lutheran-immigration-and-refugee-service/2019/02/12/148b2274-2f00-11e9-813a-0ab2f17e305b_story.html, https://www.eenews.net/stories/1060054237, https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/ryan-zinkes-most-lasting-failure/2018/12/16/c3a0697e-0168-11e9-b5df-5d3874f1ac36_story.html, https://www.nwf.org/Home/Latest-News/Press-Releases/2019/07-08-19-Trump-Seeking-to-Cover-Up-Lack-of-Environmental-Leadership, https://www.nwf.org/About-Us/Leadership/Mustafa-Santiago-Ali, https://www.eenews.net/eenewspm/stories/1060121645, https://www.democracynow.org/live/watch_2019_presidential_forum_on_environmental, https://truthout.org/video/elizabeth-warren-on-environmental-justice-capitalism-and-billionaires/, https://www.pri.org/stories/2019-10-10/how-did-teen-climate-activist-greta-thunberg-rise-fame-so-quickly, https://grist.org/article/cory-booker-shines-at-first-ever-presidential-environmental-justice-forum/, http://scholarship.law.edu/lawreview/vol40/iss2/8, https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/497/871/#tab-opinion-1958428, https://www.heritage.org/crime-and-justice/report/regulation-through-sham-litigation-the-sue-and-settle-phenomenon, https://www.uschamber.com/report/sue-and-settle-regulating-behind-closed-doors, http://www.virginialawreview.org/volumes/content/empirical-analysis-sue-and-settle-environmental-litigation, https://www.nwf.org/-/media/Documents/PDFs/Annual-Reports/FY18_NWF-990-Tax-Form-Public-Disclosure.ashx, https://yosemite.epa.gov/oarm/igms_egf.nsf/9e9c2a5934a808d585256fb6006df292/5079abae84d6366185257d6f0071ee16!OpenDocument, https://www.nwf.org/Educational-Resources/Education-Programs/Earth-Tomorrow, https://www.michigandaily.com/section/arts/artist-profile-‘-world’s-lungs-were-here-too’-conversation-detroit-based-environmental, https://www.nwf.org/About-Us/History/About-Ranger-Rick, https://www.nwf.org/EcoLeaders/Get-Involved/Fellowships, https://www.postgraduatefunding.com/award-3178, https://blog.nwf.org/2013/02/nwf-fellowship-program-grows-to-offer-additional-leadership-opportunities-for-emerging-leaders/, https://www.inconvenientsequeleducation.org/about-an-inconvenient-sequel-education/, https://www.inconvenientsequeleducation.org/educators/, https://www.manhattan-institute.org/green-energy-revolution-near-impossible, https://www.nwf.org/About-Us/Partners-and-Supporters, https://www.eenews.net/features/documents/2009/10/05/document_gw_01.pdf, https://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/gwire/2009/10/05/05greenwire-blm-employees-too-cozy-with-advocacy-groups-ig-20341.html, https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/local/1991/07/12/wealthy-conservationist-claude-moore-dies/b734f890-e52a-4ef0-bfcc-927beaa30bdf/, https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/local/1986/03/21/wildlife-federation-sells-loudoun-land-to-developer-for-85-million/6c2e78b2-69ab-4d00-80f2-5ca51df5aba4/, https://www.loudountimes.com/news/the-claude-moore-foundation—-forging-the-future/article_336232ca-4e6d-5052-b0d0-91281f054408.html, New World Foundation (NWF) And make the switch to sustainable products Green schools, February 20, 2019 POLITICAL strategy: Tactical Over. 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