Group size will not exceed current state restrictions. This includes Yule logs in Northern Europe and the five-day fasting and fire ceremonies of the local Chumash in Malibu. If you'd like to… .. As you lie back in savasana or remain seated for meditation, take a moment to honor the light and dark aspects within yourself. December 21is the first day of winter and is celebrated as the winter … First come, first served. Adho Mukha Svanasana -- Downward-Facing Dog. Strongly engage your entire body, but be sure to maintain balance as you find softness in this asana, as well. Pop Up Yoga: Yin Yoga for the Winter Solstice: This program will be held indoors in one of our well-ventilated classrooms. Around the time of the winter solstice, and throughout winter, we may all face some feelings of lethargy, feelings of losing our motivation for our yoga practice or any other activities that we usually really love and enjoy. An evening of Restorative Yoga and Yoga Nidra for the Winter Solstice (冬至 dōngzhì) Take ... through the use of props that allow you to hold poses longer, giving you all the benefits of deep, passive stretching. In yoga, and in astrology, the sun symbolizes the soul. She loves guiding yoga classes in all forms – from sweaty vinyasa flows, to slow mindful movement - but her favorite style to practice and teach is yin yoga. Another daily pose: for the Winter Solstice, it helps to focus on the grounding elements of the posture, while simultaneously using the shape as a metaphor to turn inward. Return to chair pose from your twist, pick up the right foot and place the right outer ankle on top of your left thigh (the left thigh acts a bit like a shelf here). The Solstice offers us a moment to pause in an otherwise active month full of festivities and celebrations. We may even lose our zest for life a little. 1. Triangle pose is another foundational yoga posture -- for the Winter Solstice we can draw our attention to rooting through the legs while simultaneously drawing energy up the legs, across the pelvic bowl, and through the spine all the way to the crown. Winter Solstice Archives Pincha Peanuts Yin yoga poses for winter a winter yin yoga sequence to call on the light within journal yin yoga sequence spring renewal freeport co winter yin yoga sequence to reverse stagnation and stimulate chi. This pose helps us establish our feet on terra firma, while we reach toward the heavens—bridging the gap between dreams… by arheruok December 18, 2020 0 0. We build the Yang fire for the Solstice with Chair Pose, keep the knees in line with the toes as you sit back and ground through your heels (different lineages of yoga have different directions in terms of relation to knees and feet: I prefer to keep my feet hip-distance apart). Create a yule altar . It typically occurs one day between December 20 to 23rd. If your knees are higher than your hips, prop yourself up on a blanket or two. Through mindfulness, meditation, yoga, and writing, I fuse these practices to help others connect to their own creative spark, Real-Life Stories on and off the Yoga Mat. Don't Miss These. Humble warrior will open your shoulders and release your hips, while also requiring strength and stability throughout your body. Props Needed: wall, 2 blocks, a bolster, eye pillow and blankets for this restorative yoga class for winter solstice. by kevinblackwell243 December 18, 2020. written by kevinblackwell243 December 18, 2020 “You’re what your deepest need is. It's helpful to keep the hips elevated so the back doesn't round and the chest doesn't collapse. Observe the effects of your practice so far: without analyzing or coming up with answers, simply notice how you feel. This will also help protect your standing knee, which we want to keep stabilized and steady. The Winter Solstice is marked by the dance between the poles of light and dark: in the Northern Hemisphere the winter solstice is the shortest day of the year with the longest night. Calm your body and connect inward with the support candlelit restorative yoga, guided relaxation and meditation. The Winter Solstice marks the beginning of a season that brings cold snow and rain to many parts of the United States. You may choose to bow your head forward to invite a deep stretch through the upper back, shoulders, and neck. Begin the first day of winter with some calming yin yoga to welcome the return of light and prepare your body and mind for colder months. The right thumb lightly closes the right nostril: inhale gently and easily through the left nostril. Come and celebrate the rebirth of the light (and as always the light within!) This year, the Winter Solstice falls on December 21, 2017. Winter Solstice Archives Pincha Peanuts Yin yoga poses for winter a winter yin yoga sequence to call on the light within journal yin yoga sequence spring renewal freeport co winter yin yoga sequence to reverse stagnation and stimulate chi. As your want is, so is your intention. Draw the hips up and back to lengthen the spine. That often means bringing the bottom hand up, Writing has always been my first love. Legs up the wall, restorative child’s pose, supported bridge pose and supported locust pose with draw your energy back into your kidney and adrenals, leaving your feeling refreshed and rejuvenated and ready to welcome the slow return of the light. Like really feel good. Deep Rest: Winter Solstice | Livestream Sunday, December 20, 6-7:30PM Honor the shift of the seasons and relax into the darkness of the longest night with your GIVE Yoga community. Relax your entire body from head to toe, close your eyes, and observe your thoughts without judgment. Get familiar with the pattern of the Surya Namaskar A series. Extend your arms firmly and powerfully, and sink deeply into your front knee, shooting your energy toward the front of the room. Create a counter stretch for all of the space you've just created by surrendering into a half split, and stretching your hamstring out as much as you can without hurting yourself. Fire Log Pose is usually one people love or hate: again, if you're working with knee sensitivities or recovering from an injury this pose may not be appropriate. It typically occurs one day between December 20 to 23rd. 1-907-277-YOGA. It's no wonder Winter Solstice themes are Rebirth and Renewal (yes, I'm capitalizing certain words like an old transcendentalist). Triangle pose is another foundational yoga posture -- for the Winter Solstice we can draw our attention to rooting through the legs while simultaneously drawing energy up the legs, across the pelvic bowl, and through the spine all the way to the crown. Throughout, check in with your shoulders as well, ensuring they broaden away from your ears. Make your way to the front of your mat, and begin to bring some subtle heat into your body while flowing through a few sun salutations. The Winter Solstice is the shortest day of the year, when the benevolent light of our sun fades into illuminate darkness. 5 Yoga Poses for Winter Depression. Feb 29, 2020 - Winter solstice is a perfect time of year to practice the rejuvenating restorative style of yoga. Reflect on your innermost thoughts as you hug your body in this comforting and focused asana. Solstices are an amazing opportunity to remind ourselves to be open to change and that life is just like the seasons. Yoga. Extend your body outward and drop your knees to one side of your body, with outstretched arms, to release and rejuvenate your lower back. with this Yin Yoga class that is dedicated to the winter solstice! Finding inner peace has always been my deepest wish. Props Needed: wall, 2 blocks, a bolster, eye pillow and blankets for this restorative yoga class for winter solstice. Finding inner peace has always been my deepest wish. State your intentions one last time. Raise your arms up above your head, and gaze upward at your thumbs with each breath becoming even more expansive than the last. You may explore a bind here, flipping the right palm away form you (thumb faces up to the sky), wrapping the right arm behind your lower back. The focus will be on the heart chakra. The more Shadow Work I practice, the more I realize the key to deep, profound healing requires me to become my own ally. ~ Rotate the back toes in just slightly, pivoting the heel outward (as shown). As your want is, so is your intention. Yoga can be a great way to treat depression naturally. Winter Meditation to Become Clear on What You Want. Share. Tomorrow, December 21, we celebrate the Winter Solstice, a universally sacred occasion honored for centuries as a time to gather around a blazing fire, cheeks flushed and hearts warmed in soulful celebration. This means that I can no longer ignore the parts of myself I've shamed and judged for years: I need to open up those old skeleton closets and dig around the beautiful dark. Yin yoga involves deep stretching on the floor with gentle poses typically held for 3-5 minutes. Triangle pose is another foundational yoga posture -- for the Winter Solstice we can draw our attention to rooting through the legs while simultaneously drawing energy up the legs, across the pelvic bowl, and through the spine all the way to the crown. Parivritta Utkatasana -- Revolved Chair. While some traditions celebrate this time as Light's triumph over Darkness (the tired old tale of Good vs Evil)... To pause and reflect so that our forward motion may be filled with intention. Next Article . Saturday, December 21st 2-3:30. Postures are held for longer periods in a yin practice – typically three to five minutes, but sometimes up to 20 minutes. Come to tabletop position with the shoulders stacked over the wrists and the hips stacked over the knees. 5 Yoga Poses for Winter Depression. For the Winter Solstice I prefer this variation with hands in prayer position, or Anjali Mudra, which further encourages the Yin qualities of centeredness, grounding, and inner connection. An evening of Restorative Yoga and Yoga Nidra for the Winter Solstice (冬至 dōngzhì) Take time to let go stress and unwind with a wonderfully relaxing and blissful, 2 hour Restorative Yoga and Yoga Nidra evening for the Winter Solstice, with traditional Chinese music to open and close the practice, influenced by the Chinese Solar Calendar. Release any tension that you may have been holding in your lower back by hugging your knees into your chest. It's like good in a bad way. Continue for a few rounds, allowing your breath to synchronize with the movements (inhaling as the heart lifts, exhaling as the chin draws to chest and the back rounds). 3. Channel your inner power, and maintain gentle and full breaths as you sit deeper into your imaginary chair. You can begin with hands at your heart center, and then extend the arms out radiantly, while not sinking into the saddle of your low back. This Saturday on December 21st is officially Winter Solstice. Introduce a juicy side stretch into your practice by reversing your warrior and gazing up at your outstretched arm. Create length across your spine, soften your shoulders, and tune into the natural rhythm of your breath. Cozying up to a fire with tea and a warm blanket sounds divine as the nights are long and the hours of daylight short. As your intention is, so is your will. It's key to keep the hips level as you stack your right shin on top of your left. Because our calendar doesn’t line up exactly with the Earth’s spin over the year, the exact date of the Solstice can change by a day or so. This is also a classic Yin Yoga posture, so you can practice it with the muscles relaxed while folding forward (not pictured). As you prepare to close your practice, come into a supported shoulder stand, holding your lower back with your hands and firmly engaging your glutes and thighs. Round your spine forward and relax your legs. by KassandraR | Dec 21, 2017 | holiday, new year, new years resolution, restorative, restorative yoga, restorative yoga class, solstice, winter, winter solstice yoga, winter solstice yoga class Once the sequence has been balanced on both sides of your body, begin to make your way into the heart-opening backbend that is ustrasana. This magical changing of seasons has been celebrated for years, with traditions and rituals that honor the rising winter sun. Your chin or forehead can come to the ground, or a block if available. Wear comfortable clothes and be ready for some mix of teaching and practice. Keep the back upright with shoulders soft. Space is limited to 6 people per ceremony. Try to keep the thumbs at your sternum, rotating from the low waist. So let's celebrate the darkness just as much as we welcome the return of the sun's radiance, because we need both. Many of the foundational yoga postures below can be experienced with a focus on grounding -- an essential quality to cultivate during the busy holiday season, when we typically rush around (in a very Yang way) versus aligning our energy with the Yin season. And yet, tuning into and aligning ourselves with nature can provide key insights and connections in our lives. View original. Fill your lungs with the air that surrounds you, engage your core, and on your exhale, bend your front knee a bit deeper. As your need is, so is your intention. I am the editor of the essay collection Going OM: Real-Life Stories on and off the Yoga Mat (Viva Editions 2014), featuring a foreword by Cheryl Strayed, and the author of two poetry chapbooks. Furthermore, the Yin postures encourage stillness and inward reflection. You may explore a bind here, flipping the right palm away form you (thumb faces up to the sky), wrapping the right arm behind your lower back. Virtual Event . Related Articles . This pose also represents the dual expressions of grounding and lifting at once. In a more Yin variation, you can gently fold over the legs, letting the muscles relax. Gaze forward as you bring your hands to the center of your chest, connecting your thumbs to your heart space. This magical changing of seasons has been celebrated for years, with traditions and rituals that honor the rising winter sun. 6. There are more cross-cultural rituals, celebrations and festi… Finding the motivation to get your body and soul moving on your yoga mat can be a great challenge. Yoga. This pose also represents the dual expressions of grounding and lifting at once. Engage your core and lengthen the bottom side torso, while actively drawing the bottom outer thigh muscles up and back (don't let the bottom hip stick out). Finally, slip into a soothing savasana, and enjoy this energizing, yet grounding conclusion to your winter solstice flow. It lowers blood pressure and heart rate, not unlike what happens to animals that hibernate during the colder months. If your lower back isn't ready for the full expression of the pose, tuck your toes so that your heels will be closer to you and more accessible. 5 Winter Yoga Poses The winter months are notorious for colds and flus, so poses that open the chest, throat and sinuses will aid in improving congestion and supporting your respiratory organs. As you twist to the side of the front bent leg, press the top palm down just as much as you press the bottom palm up. Draw your belly button toward your spine, and bring your heels as close to the mat as feels comfortable. you can see the beautiful solstice sunrise, Creating Momentum with Rayneen on YouTube. From butterfly, draw one foot up into the opposite hip crease. ;). Keep the front knee stacked over the front ankle, draw the abdominal wall inward and upward to rise up with integrity, hands on heart. You know what I mean. Yoga can be a great way to treat depression naturally. This is another fav pose that I practice nearly every day to open the hip flexors, quadriceps, and slowwwly get into the psoas. However, here are some tips: ~ Keep the spine long: don't collapse the bottom side of the torso or round the back. Melt into this deep, hip-opening pigeon pose, and let go of everything that doesn't serve you as you transition into the brand new solstice. Standing poses for all levels . Melting Heart pose is like a blend of downdog and child's pose: keep the hops over the knees as you walk your hands forward and allow your heart to descend. The final pose in this sequence is both soothing and fiery: quite a good symbol of polarity, methinks. The energy of the Winter Solstice is vibrant, celebratory, illuminating, and deeply reflective. Traditionally, a yule log is hoisted in the fireplace to illuminate … Feel rooted through your front footsole as well as your back shin and top of the back foot. The Winter Solstice is the shortest day of the year, when the benevolent light of our sun fades into illuminate darkness. Stay centered and stable, and hold the plank for about 10 even, slow breaths. Winter Solstice Yoga Practice Enjoy this Winter Solstice practice as you take the time to pause and create a quiet space to welcome the sun back into your life. 6 Poses to Honor and Align with the Winter Solstice. At the top of the breath bring the right ring finger to close the left nostril, release the thumb, and exhale down the right nostril. This pose not only builds heat, develops strength, and cultivates balance, but it's also a faaaaaaantastic outer hip stretch. Savor the moment, and focus on opening yourself up to the changes that the winter solstice will bring. Create length across the back and activate through the core to stabilize the center of the pose. Restorative for all levels . Dec 21, 2017 - This Thursday, Dec. 21, is the winter solstice, which of course, marks the beginning of the winter season. Keep a soft gaze, breathe, and root down through your legs. The truth is, we are an indelible part of nature, composed of the cosmos itself, and we can't escape our connection to its rhythms. Smiling also helps. Yoga Poses to Honor the Winter Solstice: The Dance of Duality (Dec 17, 2020) The Winter Solstice is marked by the dance between the poles of light and dark: in the Northern Hemisphere the winter solstice is the shortest Instead of resisting the extra darkness that this day brings, open your heart, welcome the change, and turn inward with intention to allow your body to adapt to this sacred time of year. Who knows -- you might find your right toes with your right fingers, as I am attempting here before my camera timer clicked the photo (ohhh autotimer). » 6 Poses to Honor and Align with the Winter Solstice SIGN UP FOR MY **FREE** 7 DAY YIN YOGA IMMERSION PROGRAM TO IMPROVE FLEXIBILITY! Restorative encourages relaxing in restful poses, stimulating the parasympathetic nervous and immune systems. Monday, December 21, 2020 9:30AM-10:45AM Instructor: Mandi Garrison Begin the first day of winter with some calming yin yoga to welcome the return of light and prepare your body and mind for colder months. Close your eyes and draw your attention inward, practicing Apa Japa, or breath awareness. by kevinblackwell243 December 18, 2020. Ah, one of my favorite yoga poses! It's excellent for the Winter Solstice because this breath symbolizes the equilibrium between the solar and lunar qualities (the left nostril breath representing Chandra, or the moon/Yin energy, while the right nostril represents Surya, the sun/Yang energy). SILENT NIGHT. This technique can help soothe the nervous system, which promotes a sense of relaxation and well-being. Tags: pose youtube yoga. Celebrate the Winter solstice. Fix your gaze on a stable object to maintain your strength and stability. Share. Even though summer doesn't technically start until the Solstice on June 21, in Florida (where I live) it's already here: the sky has swollen with clouds and humidity, giving us intervals of thrashing rain and intense heat (but hey, it's better than shoveling snow). My health is at its best when I match my practice to the seasons (as well as the lunar cycles). As a yoga instructor, I strongly believe that the power of mindful movement and expansive breath can truly do no wrong, and that it's the perfect way to honor the changes taking place in the natural world, especially with the arrival of a solstice. You can add a twist here to further warm up the spine. Credit: Well Beyond Mars on Tumblr. As your will is, so is your deed. Before you prepare for camel pose, be sure to repeat the asanas from eagle pose to pigeon pose on the opposite side of your body. This Thursday, Dec. 21, is the iciness solstice, which in fact, marks the start of the iciness season. Begin in a comfortable seat, with your hips slightly elevated over your knees (this usually means sitting on the front edge of a meditation cushion, yoga bolster, or a rolled blanket). Relax your gaze and continue to slow down the breath rhythm. At this time, ritual and celebratory fires are lit across the Earth. 2020-12-13 Winter Solstice Course. Lift your chest higher and higher, opening your heart as you do so. Alignment is key in this pose (and full alignment is beyond the scope of this article). Yoga for the Winter Solstice. Dec 21, 2017 - This Thursday, Dec. 21, is the winter solstice, which of course, marks the beginning of the winter season. This requires a deep connection to your midline, as you draw energy up the inner thighs, pelvis, and abdomen. With every inhale you inflate your lungs and the side body expands; with every exhale the heart softens just a little more. Yoga for the Winter Solstice. We have finally arrived, after a long descent, to the axis mundi or sacred center of the Feminine. If you'd like to… If the right foot is in the left hip crease, breathe in and lift through your crown: breathe out to twist to the right, floating your right arm behind you and crossing the left arm to the right leg. Hold yourself with love and feel the light of the flame. As your will is, so is your deed. Sit in a comfortable cross-legged position. Tweet. It represents the shortest day and the longest night of … Allow your knees to come together and touch. For this entire sequence, please do anything that feels right. Winter Solstice: the Cave of the Heart December 20, Sunday, 9:00-10:15am MT. Flowing from Triangle to Downdog, you can step a foot forward between your hands. Sunday, December 20th Since your muscles will still be cool, this is a more classical way to practice Yin, which targets the connective tissue. Still in your half split, create an angle with your front knee and make sure that your hips are squared with your back leg directly behind you. Email. From tabletop, walk your hands forward about one hand print (so wrists are in front of shoulders, no longer stacked), curl toes under and lift hips up and back. The secret to any twist is maintaining length in the spine. This is beautiful pose that transitions us back to inner reflection and surrender. ;), 11. The following poses are metabolically invigorating and help to warm the kidneys and clear phlegm. Tips for Winter Solstice Yoga: If you’re game to take on Winter Solstice yoga practice, read on. Winter Solstice Yoga in the Library Continuing to offer Community Yoga virtually provides an opportunity to clear your thoughts and relax, while staying connected at a time when we need it most. 7:00 pm - 7:30 pm . Gently drop your back leg and sink your knee into a low lunge. Maintain integrity in the torso by continuing to engage the core and lift across the heart. The Winter Solstice is the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere (above the Equator). Acknowledge the sun and the moon: different yet essential components to the whole. The Winter Solstice is the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere (above the Equator). While the winter season represents the Yin qualities of slowness, reflection, and receptivity, this season also marks the cyclical return to sunlight. The day that marks the season changing regardless of the climate. Complementing uttarayana, the period of decreasing light between the summer and winter solstice, is dakshinayana, dakshina meaning southern. Parivritta Anjaneyasana -- Lunge with Prayer Twist. After you've completed about five rounds of cat-cow, find some internal and external strength in plank pose. Recognizing winter solstice with a personal ceremony may help you to fine-tune your intentions and root you more firmly in your path of personal growth. Share 0 “You might be what your deepest want is. After you've practiced camel pose anywhere from one to three times, make your way onto your back with your knees bent and your feet on the outer edges of your mat. Round and the moon: different yet essential components to the hands and knees on heels. Also rest the index and mid fingertips on your brow point instead held indoors in one of our classrooms... Winter months, to help you find softness in this comforting and asana. Saturday on December 21 is the shortest day of the winter Solstice: the Cave of flame..., my hands are in Bhu Mudra core and lift across the earth centered and stable and! Yoga Yoga for the winter Solstice celebratory fires are lit across the heart December 20 and 22nd in Northern! 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